Changed my mind.

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Why does everyone go crazy for this book lmao, you love it that much? I don't even think it's good, compared to other stories like ALL MY RECOMMENDED FILLIE BOOKS okay bye now enjoy this chapter

Sophia's pov

I woke up earlier than everyone else, but I knew I would, since I didn't drink. I looked around and saw everyone still sleeping. I smiled, then I heard someone's alarm going off.

Everyone woke up from it, and they all groaned.

"Millie turn your fucking alarm off," Sadie said, and I looked over to Millie. Everyone was up, looking at her to turn it off.

She realized she was cuddled up with Finn, and jumped out of his arms.

"Millie why'd you-

Finn stopped himself as he saw all of us, and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"What the hell?" He said, and some of us laughed.

Millie turned off her alarm, and everyone sat up.

"What's going on? Where am I? Why can't I remember anything from yesterday??" Millie started asking, freaking out. Finn took her hand, and she stopped, looking at him.

"You tend to not remember things when you're drunk." He said, and she furrowed her eyebrows. She looked down at where she slept, and she gasped.

"I slept with you?" She asked Finn, and I smiled. Everyone else laughed. Noah and Sadie came out of the living room, and laid down on the floor.

People started to get up, they took ibuprofen and ate breakfast. We all sat or stood by the kitchen counter.

"Does anyone remember anything that happened last night?" Millie asked, and we all looked around.

Should I tell everyone I didn't drink last night?

"I actually didn't drink last night." I said, and they all groaned at me.

"So wanna fill us in on what happened?" Lilia asked, and I smiled.

"Well, you were all talking gibberish, and then we played truth or dare." I said.

"Oh god." Noah said, and we all laughed.

"Someone dated Sadie to kiss Caleb, for 3 seconds. It lasted for 5 seconds." I said, and everyone 'ooooo' d.

"Then Sadie dared Millie to kiss Finn for 3 seconds." I said, and Finn smirked.

"How long did that last?" Millie asked, and I smiled at her.

"At least a minute." I said, and her mouth gaped, and everyone was cheering 'ooooooo' , I just laughed.

"Yeah, you guys started making out, Finn pushed you against the floor, and then you pushed him off, saying something like 'you hormonal fucking teen!' Then Finn was like 'fuck you!' Then you were like 'you've tried once, fucking failed," I said.

Everyone started yelling "OHHHHHHHHH YOU GOT FUCKING FLAMED!" And Finns face went red, along with Millie's.

"I hate you." Millie said to Finn, and he laughed.

"I have something to say." Lilia said, and we all looked at her.

"I think you two are dating." She said, and everyone said yeah.

"And why would you assume that?" Finn asked, and Lilia brought up her phone.

"Well, we all saw those Instagram pictures, and Sophia and I went to your dorm yesterday morning, and look." Lilia said, pulling up a picture on her phone. She showed us all the picture of them cuddling that we took.

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