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You need more holy water now than you did in the other one I warned you about


Millie's pov

I woke up, the last day of school. Well, we have finals, so it's not even a school day.

Finn was running around, but I have no idea why, because I packed all his stuff already.

I was wearing some athletic shorts and a CHS shirt, with my hair up in a messy bun.

Finals, who cares.

I grabbed my bag, and Finn grabbed his, his phone in one hand, his water bottle in the other.

"Let's go." I said, opening the door. We got into the elevator, and he leaned against the back of the elevator, behind me.

"The seniors on the lacrosse team are doing a senior prank tonight. I don't know what it is though." Finn said, and I smiled.

"Fun." I said, and he nodded. I felt the presence of his hands around my waist, and his head on top of mine.

"Are you going to my game tonight?" He asked, and I smiled.

"Yes, Finn." I said. The button dinged, and Finn let go of me, the door opening.

He walked me to my language class, and he looked at me. He looked really tired. His eyes didn't leave mine, till I made him leave.

"Finn, you have to go, you can't be late for finals." I said, and he smiled.

"But I want to stay with you." He said, and I smiled.

"We have the whole summer." I said.

"Good luck on your finals today. I love you." I said, and smiled at him.

"Love you more." He said, looking down to my hand and holding it for a second, then letting go, walking to his class.

I smiled and walked into language, ready to take all my finals.


I was walking with Sophia, talking about our math final we just took.

"Wait, Millie." She said, stopping me.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you tell Finn? That you like him?" She asked, and I smiled.

"No." I said, and kept walking.

"Whyyyyy??" She asked.

"I don't know, I was nervous." I said, walking to the door of my Spanish class.

"You shouldn't be nervous. For Christ's sake, he's even staring at you right now." She said, and I smiled, and turned around to see Finn sitting at his desk, staring at me, smiling.

"Maybe not." I said, and she smiled. We said bye and good luck, and I went into Spanish.

"So, where you guys talking about me?" He asked, as I sat down behind him. I laughed.

"She wants me to tell you that I like you." I said, and he looked at me.

"Well if that's the case, then I like you too." He said, and I smiled.

"Shut up." I said, and he laughed and turned around.


I was in my dorm room, getting ready to go to the lacrosse game. It starts at 7:00, most likely is going to last a couple hours.

I put on some joggers and a T-shirt, Incase I get cold, and grabbed my phone and money, walking out the door to meet with Sophia and Lilia.

As I passed, I heard yelling in the room next to Finn and I's.

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