Half the bottle

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Before you read this chapter, I wanna say something.

XXX got shot, and he died. Some people are saying that he was a good person and shouldn't of been shot, and some are saying he was a terrible person and it's good that he's dead.

Some people may not know who xxx is on here, but if you do, you may or may not know what he did to his wife, and his prison mate.

He started to change though, and then he died by getting shot, at 20 years old. I think that if he had more to learn and gain experience from in life, that he would grow up to be a better guy than he used to be. But now, we will never know.

If you want to know what side I'm on for all of this, I think he shouldn't of died, but the things he did were beyond terrible. He just needed more life experience to change himself.


Lilias pov

"Are they even gonna be up?" Sophia asked me, as we got to Finn and Millie's level floor and walked to their room.

"That's the point." I said, and she shrugged and we got to their dorm room, 353.

It's currently 7 am, and we want to catch them. They have to be dating or something. I mean, did you see their posts on Instagram???!!!!

I took my Bobby bin from my hair and slowly but surely picked the lock, and I slowly opened the door, Sophia behind me, to see what was on the inside.

We opened the door to see Finn and Millie, in Millie's bed. She was sitting in between his legs, her back up against his chest, and his back against the wall. A computer was open on Millie's lap, and their hands were laced together, Finn arms wrapped around her waist. They were sleeping. Her head was leaned back against his chest, and his was leaned against the top of her head.

I turned to Sophia, and we smiled, stopping our screams from coming out. I smiled and grabbed my phone, and turned my ringer off. I took a picture of them, making sure it was a good picture and a good angle, and Sophia gave me a thumbs up. I walked back over to the door, and we went behind it, about to close it. Before we did, we heard them. Millie took a deep breath in.

I saw Finns hands tighten around her waist, and she groaned. I cracked the door, so they wouldn't see it was open.

"Finn, we fell asleep while watching the movie." She said, and he laughed.

So maybe they weren't purposely cuddling.

I heard her shut the computer and put it on the desk. Sophia and I looked through the crack, to see what they were doing. Millie was getting up, but Finn pulled her back.

"Where are you goinggg?" Finn groaned, and I smiled. Cute.

"It's time to get up." She said, but Finn pulled her back down to the bed.

"It's only like 7. We have a couple more hours." He said.

"Fine." She said, and she cuddled back up with Finn. This time, she was laying next to him, her side against him, and her arm was over his stomach, and she laced it with his hand. She put her leg over his, and Finn smiled. I turned to Sophia and both our mouths were gaped, and we smiled.

I turned back around to see them, and Finns head was against the top of her head, and he kissed her head.

I slowly and silently closed the door, and we ran back to the elevator.

"Okay, either they started dating yesterday, or they have been dating for a while and just haven't told us." Sophia said, and I nodded.

"Why should we call them out?" Sophia asked, and I smiled.

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