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Have fun with this chapter.

Millie's pov

I get out of the shower after my run, and change into some leggings and a CHS shirt for this Wednesday, and I walk out of the shower. I walk past Finn and I's beds to the kitchen, and found some cereal. I was checking my phone and eating it, when Finn came into the kitchen also.

He looked at me, and smiled.

"You look cute." He said, and I laughed a little.

"I'm just wearing our school wear and leggings." I said, and he got out cereal.

"The shirt is big on you, so it looks cute on you." He said, winking.

"Why are you giving me compliments?" I asked, and he smiled.

"Because, we are never going to date, so why not." He said, and I looked down to his exposed stomach.

"I guess your way of complimenting me is just staring at my abs." Finn said again, and I laughed.

"Were you joking about that friends with benefits thing?" I asked him, and he looked at me, making eye contact.

"No. I'd actually do it. Were you joking?" He said, smiling.

"Nope. I'd do it too." I said, and he laughed.

"Mills, you're too innocent." He said, and I smiled.

"You don't know that." I said, and he gave me a look.

"Okay. Then we should do it." He said, and I raised my eyebrows.

"Really?" I asked, and he smiled and nodded, winking at me.

"Whenever we want to kiss or something, we say the word bird. Bird is our code word." He said, and I laughed.

"Wow. Okay." I said, and we both laughed.


I made it through most of my Wednesday, everyone hates me. But I'm not surprised.

I get back to the dorm, and I see Finn running around. In his uniform.

"Millie have you seen my water bottle?" He asked, looking around for it.

(Don't worry, the iconic water bottle is back)

"You mean the water bottle right on your nightstand?" I questioned, and he looked at it. He sighed, and grabbed it.

"You're making me look dumb." He said, and I laughed.

"Are you coming to my game today?" He asked, and I thought about it.

"What time?" I asked.

"An hour." He said. Not like I have anything better to do.

"Okay, I'll go." I said, and he smiled.

"Okay, I have to leave right now, but I'll see you in an hour. Bye Mills!!" He said, running out the door. I laughed to myself, and cleaned up the dorm a bit.


I walked to the lacrosse field, to see the game almost starting. There were a lot of people there, and I sat in the front row.

I heard two girls talking behind me about greys anatomy, then I heard them say my name.

"Is that Millie?" I heard a girl say, and then I turned around. She was talking to a red headed girl, and they both looked at me.

"This is kinda weird, but we wanna introduce ourselves." The blonde girl said, and I smiled.

"Well, I'm Lilia." She said, and I smiled again.

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