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Wow this is boring, happy updating day

Millies pov

"What?" I said softly.

No did Finn just ever tell me that he's in love with me.

I have to be dreaming, it's not possible.

"I said I'm in love with you." Finn said, softly, and looking down. I slowly walked more towards him, not uncrossing my arms, and lifting his face up to look at me.

"Finn." I said, and he didn't make eye contact.

"I know that you don't do feelings, but I got them for you when we started the fucking benefits thing. I'm sorry. But I'm in love with you, Millie. That's why I know. I'd never hurt someone I love." He said, and I looked at his eyes.

"Finn, I've had feelings for you too. Since we started the thing." I said, and he looked in my eyes.

"I'm in love with you, too. I just never thought about it because I didn't want to get hurt." I said, and Finn smiled, and I smiled. His eyes flickered down to my lips, and he leaned in and connected them together.

I felt the presence of his hand on the side of my face, then he quickly separated our lips, and smiled again. I saw him raise his fist up in the air, and look up.

"Yes!!!" He said, and I laughed, as he silenced me by connecting our lips together. He put his free hand on my waist, and I put my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

I leaned back, onto my bed, and he went with me, on top of me. He let go of the kiss so we could catch our breath, and he looked at my outfit then looked back up at me, but then he furrowed his eyebrows and looked back down at it again.

"Are you seriously wearing another shirt of mine?" He asked, and I giggled.

"Come on, they're comfortable." I said, and he smiled and looked to the side.

How is he still attractive when I can only see the side of his face?

I took the advantage that he wasn't looking to flip is over, making me the one on top. I straddled him, and I felt his hands on my thighs.

I looked down to his shirt, and moved my hands to the bottom of it.

I looked back to his eyes, and he was already staring at me, smiling. He's always looking at me.

"Would you want to do the honors of taking it off of me?" He asked, and I laughed a little.


I grabbed the end of it and pulled it up and off of him, and looked down to his exposed upper body. His abs are noticeable, and he's wearing black cargo joggers that scrunch up at the top because they are elastic.


I felt him grab one of my hands, and he held it to his stomach.

"What do you want to do?" He asked, and I smiled.

"I don't know." I said, zoned out looking at his hand with mine, on him. I looked up at him, and his hair.

His hair was a curly mess, everywhere.

I took my free hand and pushed it all back, and ran my fingers through it.

"Millie, I-

He stopped because we heard the door knock.

We looked at each other, and I got off him after a second, and I sat down on my bed, looking at the door, Finn going to open it. He opened the door, and not to my surprise, there they were.

Caleb, Gaten, and Noah.

"What's up guys?" Finn asked, and Finn opened the door for them to walk in. They said hey and walked in, and Finn closed the door, and turned over to me, and widened his eyes in the look we give each other.

"Finn, where's your shirt?" Caleb asked, and Finn looked over to me, then shrugged.

"Oh my god, is that it on Millie's bed?" Noah asked, and I widened my eyes.

Gaten got up and grabbed it, and he looked at it.

"It's inside out, too." Gaten said, and they all looked at Finn.

"What are you implying?" Finn asked.

"You and Millie are hooking up." Caleb said, and Finn and I both widened our eyes.

"Are you crazy?" I asked, and they all looked at me.

"All the facts lead up to you." Noah said, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What facts?" I asked.

"The time I came over to give Finns key card back, you guys slept together. Lacrosse team said they saw you guys sleeping together. You're always wearing his shirts. And just now, Finn has his shirt off, and it's on your bed." Noah said, and I looked over to Finn.

"Okay, we fell asleep watching a movie that one time. We were sleeping together when the lacrosse team came in because-there was a thunderstorm. I wear his shirts because they are comfortable, and Finns shirt is on my bed because he took it off and threw it at me." I said, and they looked at me, like they almost believed me but didn't.

"Is this what you guys really came over for?" Finn asked, and they nodded.

"Well, you can think about Millie's answer to you, as you walk out of our dorm room and back to yours." Finn said, opening the door.

"Fine." Gaten said, and he walked to the door, along with the other two. They turned back, and looked at us.

"I'm watching you finnlard." Gaten said, and then shut the door. Finn turned to me, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Finnlard?" I asked, and he just laughed a little.

"But really, are we going to tell anyone?" I asked, and he looked at me.

"Tell anyone about what?" He asked.

"This." I said, and his eyes met mine.

"This doesn't even exist." He said, and I looked at him.

"Not unless I ask you." He said, walking towards me more. I smiled, and he picked up my hands.

"Millie Bobby Brown, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked, and I smiled. I didn't even realize I let out a little squeal.

"Yes." I said, and he smiled, leaning in and kissing me, and I brought him back into the bed.


We were laying down, my head on his lower shoulder, my hand on his chest, and his hand over mine. I had a leg draped over him a little, and his other hand was playing with my hair.

"This night could have completely went wrong." Finn said, and I laughed.

"Like what would happen if you didn't like me back? It'd be so awkward." Finn said, and I smiled.

"I'm in love with you, Finn. I have been since like, the first week." I said, and I already knew he was smiling.

"Me too." He said, and I felt his heartbeat get faster.

"Do you want to go to sleep?" I asked.

"No. Let's just talk." He said, and I said okay.

We talked all night.

Awe. They're dating. This chapter was boring lol whatever at least I'm updating.

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