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2nd update for the night. I'm so sleep deprived Idk why I just updated twice. I'm on the verge of crying.

Have fun reading <3

Millie's pov

I woke up to my phone going off.

I've been skipping my runs because Maddie is here.

She leaves tomorrow, but I don't want her to. She's my closest friend, and being without her breaks my heart.

I shut my alarm off, and I got up. I was wearing shorts and a hoodie, so I didn't change. I put on my glasses, and everyone else started to wake up.

After we were all up, we were just on our phones, and talking about stuff.

"We should probably head back to my dorm. If you guys want to do anything like go to the pool or anything, just text me." I said, and they nodded.

"By Mills, bye Maddie." They said, and we grabbed our bags, said bye, then left.

We got onto the elevator, and went to Finn and I's dorm room floor, and then I used the key card to open the door.

I opened the door to see Finn in his bed, still sleeping. He was holding his other pillow in a hugging form. His hair was in his face, his lips smushed.

I quietly put my bag down, and so did Maddie. Maddie went to go shower, and I sat on my bed. After I heard the water running, I looked over to Finn.

He was still sleeping, the same position he was in when we got here.

I walked over to him, and got down on my knees, to be at his height. I took the pillow he was hugging, and tried to take it out of his grasp, but he wouldn't let go, he'd just shift and grip it tighter.

"Finn." I whispered. I set my hand on his upper arm, and he shifted a little.

"Hmm." He said, not opening his eyes.

"It's 10:30." I whispered back, and he groaned. He let go of the pillow that he was holding, and I felt him grab my hands and pull me into the bed.

"Finn, what are you doing?" I asked, laughing a little.

"I'm tired." He said, and I smiled. We were laying on our sides, facing each other, but he was hugging me. He lifted me up and rolled onto his back, bringing me on top of him, and he opened his eyes. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. His smile faded for a second, and he looked around.

"Where's Maddie?" He asked.

"In the shower, chill." I said, and he lost his tense state, and he closed his eyes.

I was trying to get off of him, but he didn't let me.

"Today is Maddie's last full day here, she's leaving tomorrow morning." I said, and he nodded.

"Did you miss her?" He asked, looking in my eyes.

"Yeah. She's my best friend." I said, and he nodded.

"She must really miss you to fly all the way out here." He said, and I nodded.

"I've known her since I was little." I said, getting off Finn, and laying next to him, facing him.

"We were best friends because our moms were best friends." I said, and his eyes didn't leave mine.

"We only got in a fight once, and it was over some stupid reason, because this other girl was stealing me away from her. She turned out to be fake. We got in a fight for like, 3 months, and I was so lonely without her. I don't know how I'm gonna do it without her here." I said, and he nodded.

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