Love and Excitement.

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Oh my god I-

Millie's pov

I woke up in Finns arms, and he was breathing heavily. My alarm started going off, and Finn groaned.

"Why is your alarm going off?" He said, and I got out of his arms, and shut it off.

"I have to go run." I said, and he groaned.

"Finn, you convinced me to stop, but I haven't done it in two months. I need to start doing it again." I said, and he wouldn't let go of me.

"I'll do a week, then I'll do a week off, and so on. Okay?" I asked.

"Fine." He said, letting me out of his arms, and I got up, and got ready for my run.


I ran two miles, and I got back to the dorm, to see Finn making waffles, and he had his speaker on, playing music.

Walk it like I talk it? At 9:00 A.M.? I mean, okay. Not complaining.

I laughed and smiled at him, before getting into the shower.

After my shower, I put a swimsuit on, and then shorts and a tank top on over it. I walked out of the bathroom, and saw Finns music was at a lower volume, and he was eating waffles. I walked up to him across the island, and took one of his waffles, biting into it.

"I guess you can have it now." He said, and I smiled.

We finished eating and played Mario Kart for a couple hours, and I got tired of it and turned to him.

"We should go to the pool." I said.

"Isn't it gonna be packed? It's the first day of summer." He said, and I shook my head no.

"It was the last day. Everyone had parties and got drunk, most likely still recovering from their hangovers. Only a couple people will be there." I said, and he nodded.

"Okay, let's go."


We got to the pool, and not to my surprise, nobody was there. I guess Finn was happy about that.

We set our stuff down and I took my clothes off from over my swimsuit, and I looked at him.

"Come on!" I said, running into the water, and jumping straight in. I swam back up to the top, only to be splashed with water from Finn jumping in. He also came up to the top.

"We should go skinny dipping one day." He said, and I rolled my eyes.

"That's a definite no." I said, and he smiled. He took my hand and brought me under the water, and I opened my eyes because it doesn't affect my contacts. He was looking at me too, smiling. We both leaned in and connected our lips under the water, and we swam back up to the top.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked him, and he smiled. I backed up and stood against the wall part of the pool, and Finn got closer to me, putting his hands on my waist.

"I know what I wanna do." He said, and I smiled. We were leaning in and about to kiss, but we heard the door open to enter the pool. He leaned back, and took a couple steps away from me.

It was Gaten and Sophia. A couple seconds after they came in, Lilia, Noah, and Caleb walked out too.

"Millie, you're here!!" Lilia yelled, and I smiled.

"Yep!!" I yelled over there, and they all went to put their stuff by ours. I looked at Finn, and he rolled his eyes, and smiled.

"At least it's not Jacob or something." I said, and he smiled.

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