Can't use your hands

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Millie's pov

I woke up at 8:00, the usual. I had to go run.

I ran my two miles, came back, and showered.

When I got out I changed into one of Finns shirts. It was too big on me, and it was long like a T-shirt dress, so I took it. It's mine now.

I put on some nike socks that went a couple inches above my ankles, and I brushed out my hair. I'm not doing anything today. I don't think.

I walk out, and Finn is laying in his bed, on his phone.

Last night...happened, I guess.

We didn't do anything after I got that phone call. We just laid down and watched a movie.

We didn't cuddle.

I sat down on my bed, and I felt him look at me.

"Have a problem?" I asked.

"You're wearing my shirt." He responded, and I smiled.

"What are you gonna do about it? Take it off me?" I said, and he smiled and winked.

"Shut up." I said, and he laughed.

"The guys are coming over, I don't know when though." He said, and after he said it, we heard knocking on the door. I got up and answered it, and it was all the guys. They looked at my outfit, then looked at Finn.

"Again, lucky." Gaten said, and greeted me and walked in, along with the other three.

"What are you guys planning to do?" I asked.

"We are going to the pool. All the people from our grade go there when it starts getting nice out, and today the sun is like fire." Noah said, and I gasped.

"What's wrong?" Finn asked, but I smiled.

"I can get tan!!!" I yelled, and ran to my bed to text Lilia and Sophia, to see that they already texted me.

Lilia- we are going to the pool, if you want to come. We can come over and meet up in your dorm before we leave.

Millie- Okay, Finn and the guys are here, just saying!!

Lilia- Okay, be there in 5!!

I put my phone back down, and they were all staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you coming?" Caleb asked.

"Lilia and Sophia are coming over and we are gonna go when they get here." I said, and they nodded. They all sat on or by Finns bed. Finn on his bed, his back against the wall. Noah on the other side of his bed. Caleb on the ground, his back against the bed, and same with Gaten.

I got up and walked to the closet, and smiled, wondering what bathing suit to wear.

I have a dark red triangle bikini top, with the same color bottoms, and I had a black high neck top along with black bottoms.

"Finn." I said, not facing him yet.

"What?" He asked, and I turned around, and showed him both of the swimsuits.

"Which one?" I asked, and smiled. He looked into my eyes and smiled, then looked at both of them.

"The red one." He said, and I smiled and turned back around, putting the other one away.

The red one is more revealing.

Whatever, it will probably be a better tan line.

I went into the bathroom and changed into it, putting on Finns shirt over it, then walking out, to see Lilia and Sophia were already here, talking to the guys.

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