One week

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You are all going to hate me. I wish you the best in reading this chapter.

Millie's pov

2 weeks later

I woke up to the sound of Finn lightly snoring next to me, his hands wrapped around me, his hands placed on my back.

I opened my eyes and got out of Finns arms, and he did the same.

I checked my phone and saw that I had a missed call from my mom. I've been getting a lot of those, I just never pick up.

Maybe I should call her.

Finn got up and went to shower I think, and I was debating on calling my mom.

I gave in and pressed call, and it rang. 3 times.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey Mom." I said, looking up at the ceiling.

"Millie, hi. I've been calling you." She said.

"I know. Why?" I asked, and my heart was racing.

"Well, we think that you've learned your lesson, and you don't need to stay in Canada anymore. You just needed a year to figure yourself out, and it sounds like it worked, according to Paige. So, you're coming back!" She said, and my heart dropped.

No. No.

"Mom, Maddie moved here for me. I can't leave her." I said, trying to make up an excuse to stay here.

"Maddie is coming back too, her mom only let her stay till you came back." She said, and my eyes widened.

"When would I come back?" I asked, heart racing.

"Before school starts, maybe next week?" She asked, and my heart broke.


"I'll plan your flight. We can't wait to see you!" She said, and tears were welling in my eyes.

"Me too." I said, and the call ended, Finn walking out of the shower, he had some shorts on. No shirt.

"Who was that?" He asked, and I looked down.

"Uh-my mom." I said, and his smile turned into a straight face.

"What did she say?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"Nothing really, just talked to me." I said, and he nodded.


I showered and changed into shorts and a shirt, and went over to Sadie and Maddie's. I need to tell someone.

I knocked on the door, and Maddie opened it, smiling.

"Hey Mills," She said, and opened the door for me to come in. I went in, and saw that Sadie was chilling in her bed, and I think Maddie was too.

I sat down on Maddie's bed, and they looked at me, Maddie sitting down too.

"Guys, I need to tell you something." I said, and they looked at me, intrigued.

"My mom called me. She told me that she's flying me back home, because I don't need to be here anymore." I said, and their mouths gaped.

"At all? Like you're not coming back?" Sadie asked, and I nodded.

Tears were welling up in my eyes, same with Sadie.

"When are you leaving?" She asked, and I looked down.

"Next week." I said, and a tear went down her cheek.

"Did you tell Finn?" She asked, and I shook my head no.

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