Kitchen counter

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What if I told you all of those answers you gave me from the last chapter were wrong?

I need help. I really like this guy, and I think he might like me back. I think I'm gonna tell him I like him tomorrow, but I don't know if I should do it. Should I go for it?

Anyway, this chapter is kinda boring

Millie's pov

I woke up to sunlight, and I opened my eyes. I was laying in Finns bed from last night, and his arms were still around me, and mine were still around his. I looked down to our hands, and they were laced together.

I look over at my clock, and see that it's 8:00.



I quickly shot up, and shook Finn.

"Finn, school. It's 8:00 already." I said, and he shot up to.

"What??!!" He said, and I got up and looked for something to wear.

I just put on some shorts and a T-shirt, only putting makeup on the hickey that Finn marked me with. I came out of the bathroom and saw Finn was wearing a white shirt with some black shorts, his hickey clearly visible. I laughed a little, and grabbed my bag.

"Finn, we have to go. We are going to be late." I said, and he nodded, grabbing his back and his water bottle.

We have 4 minutes before the bell rings for us to be there for first period.

I grab the key card and open the door, Finn and I sprint to the elevator, then press level one.

"I would walk with you to class, but we don't have enough time. So I'm just gonna give you a hug now." Finn said, and I smiled and nodded. He embraced me in a hug, a really good hug. I love his hugs. We didn't let go until the door for the elevator opened.

"Have a good day, okay? See you in Spanish?" He asked, and I smiled and nodded.

"Also, have fun with that hickey of yours on your neck." I said, before jogging away.

"Millie!!" I heard him yell, and I smiled and laughed.


I got into class right when the bell rang, so I was good. I sat in my seat, but I made eye contact with Iris, who gave me a disguised look. She's annoying.

I saw that there was a sub, so it was basically a free period. I expected nobody to talk to me, so I went on my phone, until I saw everyone talking and looking at me.

"What?" I said.

"You actually hooked up with Finn?" Some random girl asked. All eyes were on me.

"What the hell? Who said that?" I said.

"The lacrosse team." A guy said, and I rolled my eyes.

"They are lying." I responded back.

"But they said you guys were dating. Isn't that true, Millie?" Iris commented. I looked at her, and she was raising her eyebrows.

"That's not true either. None of it is true." I said, and they just turned back around.


I walked into Spanish class after three long class periods of being asked about dating Finn. What the actual fuck, I thought he cleared it up??

I sit down behind Finn, and I hit the top of his head. He turned around, and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Everyone thinks we are dating, and it's because of your fucking lacrosse team. So at practice today, tell them to shut the fuck up about fake rumors, and tell them that we aren't dating." I said, and he looked in my eyes.

"I told them at wakeups, but they didn't believe me." He said, and I groaned. I looked around, and everyone was looking at us.

"So many people teased me about my hickey, and I'm getting annoyed." Finn said, and I laughed.

"Maybe you shouldn't of given me one." I said, quietly, and he winked at me.

"That didn't mean you did it back." He said, and the bell rang. I looked at the hickey, and it was really purple and red, and noticeable.

"Well, it is what it is, Finn." I said, and he groaned and turned back around. I laughed, and the teacher started to talk.


I got home and set my bag down, the plopped on my bed.

I was laying there for a couple of minutes, then I heard my phone going off. I turned my head to the side and saw that I was getting a call, from Paige.

I reached for my phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Millie!" Paige said, and I smiled.

"Hi." I said.

"How was your break?" She asked. I smiled.

"It was fun. I made a lot of friends here, and it's really sunny and warm." I said, and she laughed. We were talking for a while, until I looked over to the door opening, and I saw Finn walk in.

He had blood and cuts on his face, and his face was bruising.

I gasped, and told Paige I'd call her back. I ended it, and quickly got up and over to Finn.

"What happened?" I said, pulling him into the kitchen, and sitting him down in one of the chairs.

"You're going to get mad at me for doing this." Finn said, as I got an ice pack.

"What'd you do?" I asked, and sat down next to him, facing my chair towards him, and putting the ice to his eye.

"I got in a fight with Jacob." Finn said, and my shock turned to anger.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked.

"He left you in the rain." Finn replied, and flinched as I put the ice on his cheek.

"That doesn't mean you go and fight him, Finn." I said, and he sighed.

"I wasn't going to leave that situation unharmed." He said, and I sighed.

I let the ice rest on his face for a little bit, then I took it off, and set it on the counter. I looked at him, and he was already facing me.

He had some cuts on his face, and there was definitely going to be a bruise on his face.

"I'll be fine, Mills." He said, and I looked at him. Then I looked at his lips.

"Are you sure?" I asked, looking back up to his eyes.

"Positive." He said, looking at my lips, then back up to my eyes.

We both leaned in a little, and we both saw the chance, and took it.

Our lips connected together softly, and I felt him grab one side of my face. My hand was on the crook of his neck, but it slid down to his chest.

He parted our lips for a second but went back in, and this time we didn't let go.

Our mouths opened, and his other hand gripped my waist. We both stood up, not breaking the kiss, and then he leaned me against the counter, and I jumped onto it, sitting on it now, while his hands are on my waist. Mine went around his neck, and up to his locks and locks of dark curls.

Eventually, my back was against the counter, and he was on top of me. On the kitchen counter. We weren't complaining though.

He parted our lips, and he went to my cheek, then to my neck.

"We're on the counter." I said, and we both started laughing a lot.

"Shut up." Finn said, smiling, then leaning in to kiss me once again.

End of the chapter.

Should I do a Finn pov next chapter or later?

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