Always get stopped whe-

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This chapter. Oh gosh.

Get your holy water ready.

Also, happy Fourth of July!!!

Millie's pov

I woke up to the feeling of Finns bare arms around me, my back pressed up against his chest.

I opened my eyes and looked around, and then looked to his hands.

His hands were hugging me around from behind, his hands locked with each other's, and I could feel his breathing on my neck.

I shifted a little, and I felt him tighten his grip around me, and I put my arms on his, holding the outside of his hands.

"Morning Millie." I heard Finn say, and I smiled.

"Hey Finn." I said, and I felt a presence of his lips against my neck, and I laughed, because it tickled me.

"Finn stop." I said, laughing, and he did it more. I tried to break out of his arms, but he flipped me over instead, to the other side of him.

I got out of his arms, and I turned to him, and smiled. He was studying me, all my facial features, and he met his eyes with mine.

"Would you want to go on a date tonight?" He asked me, and I smiled.

"Yes!!" I yelled, and jumped on him, pushing him back on his back, hugging him. He laughed, and I did too. I looked to his face, and he was still smiling at me. He's always smiling.

"Where?" I asked, and he put a piece of hair behind my ear, and set his hand on my cheek, tracing his thumb on it.

He moved my face closer to his, our foreheads now touching, our lips close too. He whispered


I connected my lips with his, and he didn't hesitate on kissing back. He never does.

His hand on my face gave me chills down my spine as he lightly traced it down to my waist, never letting go of my lips.

"Millie!! Finn!!! We are going to the pool!! Get out of bed and let's go!!" I heard Maddie yell, knocking on our door.

Finn groaned on my lips, and I let go, and got off of him, opening the door to a smiley Maddie.

She walked in, running over to Finn, and throwing the blankets off of him.

"You're making my bed now." Finn said, and Maddie and I laughed.

"Where's Sadie?" I asked, and she smirked.

"She went to Caleb's last night, she hasn't came back yet." She said, and I gasped.

"No way. We have to go there." I said.

"That's why I'm telling you to get ready! Finn get your ass up and get ready!!" She yelled, and I laughed, and Finn and I got ready.


We got into the elevator, and Sadie and I ran up to Caleb's dorm room, and she loudly knocked.

Maddie and I were standing in the doorway, Finn behind us.

The door opened to Sadie, her hair up in a messy bun, her glasses on, and she was wearing one of Caleb's hoodies, with athletic shorts.

When she saw us she widened her eyes and gasped, and closed the door.

"Sadie we know you're there!!!" Maddie said, and I laughed.

The door opened this time, but this time it was Caleb.

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