The truth

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Finns pov

I woke up to the sunlight hitting me, and I turned to my side to see Millie, sleeping peacefully on the other side of the bed.

I smiled, and looked at her.

We actually did it, I mean, I didn't think Millie was gonna do it last night, but she wanted to. She seemed happy with it, and so was I.

She opened her eyes, and smiled at me.

"Are you staring at me." She said, her morning voice all groggy and tired.

"Yes." I answered, and she laughed and put a hand over her face.

I lightly laughed, and sat up, finding my shorts and putting them on, along with my underwear.

I walked to the kitchen to find something to eat, but I heard Millie groan, but not a tired one, a in pain groan.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked over to her. She already had a shirt and shorts on, but she was on her bed.

"Mills, what's wrong?" I asked.

"My stomach hurts, really bad." She said, and my eyes shot open.

Don't jump to conclusions, Finn.

"How does it hurt?" I asked, sitting down next to her, and she sat up.

"I don't know, worse than cramps would hurt."
She said, and she groaned, and just put her arm around her stomach.

"I'm probably just sick." She said, and I nodded, and she laid down on the bed, and I got up and went back into the kitchen, to get her something to eat.

I heard footsteps, and then I heard Millie throwing up.

I ran over to her into the bathroom, and held her hair back, sitting next to her.

She's just sick Finn, chill. But she was perfectly fine yesterday.


I heard a knock on the door, and I looked over to it.

"It's Maddie." Maddie said, and I looked down to a sleeping Millie on my chest.

"Come in." I said, making sure not to wake up Millie. Maddie opened the door and walked in. We gave her our extra key because we got an extra one.

She looked at Millie and I, and smiled. "She's still sleeping?" She asked.

I sighed. "She woke up and started complaining about her stomach hurting worse than cramps, then she went and threw up. She fell asleep again." I said, and she raised her eyebrows.

"She's probably just sick." Maddie said, sitting on the end of my bed.

"Are you sure it couldn't be anything else?" I asked, and she was thinking. She looked at me and widened her eyes.

"I mean, I could think of one thing, but I don't think that's possible." Maddie said, and I gave her a look.

She gasped and smiled. "No way, you guys actually?" She asked, and I nodded. She smiled and did a silent 'awe', as I told her to shut up.

"Do you think that's possible?" I asked, and she looked at Millie.

"Those effects don't usually come until the next week or two, so most likely not." She said, and I took a breath of relief.

"Just give her some medicine, I think it will go away after a couple days." She said, and I nodded.


"We've watched this like, a thousand times. Let's watch the office." Millie said, turning the computer to her to put on the office.

"Okay, sure, go right ahead." I said, and she laughed. I love her laugh.

She placed the computer back to face both of us. "Here," She said, and looked up at me, and smiled. "Better." She said, and I playfully rolled my eyes, and she laughed again.

We heard a knock on the door, and she looked at me.

I got up and went to answer it, and saw all the guys and girls, even Lilia and Sophia were here.

They all walked in.

"Sure, go right ahead," I mumbled, and I closed the door.

"So what's up?" I asked them, and they looked at Millie, then me.

"We want to ask you something, and you have to be totally honest." Lilia said, and I looked to Millie.

"I need to tell Finn something really quick first." Millie said, and got up, dragging me out of the room.

"We should tell them. They are all here." Millie said, and I looked at her.

"Are you okay with that?" She asked, and I smiled.

"Yeah, it's getting tiring keeping it a secret." I said, and she smiled, and opened the door, and we both sat down on the bed again.

"Okay, before you ask us a question, we wanna say something." Millie said, and they looked at us, intrigued.

"We're dating." We both said at the same time, and they went wild.

The girls were screaming, running around, Maddie was laughing, Gaten was receiving $20 from Caleb, Noah was yelling.

After a while we let them calm down.

"How long??" Sophia asked, and I looked at Finn.

"Four months now?" I asked, and the girls screamed again.

"You didn't tell us for four fucking months??" Lilia yelled, and Millie laughed.

"Whoops." I said.

"When did it start?" Sadie asked, and I looked at Millie.

"Should we tell them everything?" She asked, and I smiled and nodded.

"We were friends with benefits before we dated." Millie said, and they all started going wild again. The guys were highfiving me, and Millie hit my arm.

We told them everything else.

"I knew since the beginning of their benefits thing so haha sucks for you guys." Maddie said, and they all started throwing pillows at her and yelling at her. She was just laughing.

"I guess they took it well." Millie said, and I laughed.

"Yeah, totally."


Sorry this is such a short chapter, but I have a reason.

I just finished writing this, and I'm posting it right away, because I have another book I'm about to publish.

Go check out my new book, it's called 'Psycho~Fillie"

I haven't published it but I'm about to.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I really hope you go give that book a read!!!

It might not be up for a couple of minutes, for all the people who read this chapter immediately.

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