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Millie's pov

I'm on my way to the new school I have to go to. In Canada.

Yes, my parents hate me so much, they are sending me to Canada. They don't care about me. Well, at least I don't think they do.

I was just a bitch to them, so they sent me to a private school all the way across the world.

They aren't even coming with, since the school I'm going to had dorm rooms. And you have to have a roommate.

I'm not that good with people, so let's just hope I get someone decent.


A few hours after I got off of the plane, Paige drove me to the school. It's called Clover High School. Paige is my sister, the only one who actually cares for me. She's only flying me here and going back, because she has work.

We get to the school, and we walk into the office, I'm assuming, because I see the principal. His name is David Harbour.

"Hello Millie, it's nice to have you at Clover High School." He said, as I sat down in his office, with Paige.

"Well, I'm going to go over the rules, classes, and everything else that's important." He said, and I nodded.

"There are rules here, obviously. But before we get there, let's talk about dorm rooms." He said, pausing.

"There are two people per dorm, and you can either have a guy in your dorm, or a girl. Everyone usually gets along, and there's no nonsense happening, so we don't have to switch peoples dorms. The curfew to get to your dorm is 11:00. No later. On weekends, it's however late you want, we don't control you on weekends. You can't be over-excessively loud, because people will complain, and we don't like that. You and your dorm room friend will each get a key to the room, so if you lose yours, they have theirs." He said, and I nodded, listening, wondering who's going to be my dorm mate.

"Onto the class rules. It's like every other highschool, you guys can talk, but don't talk when the teacher is talking. You can get a detention, but that's up to the teacher you have." He said, and I nodded again.

"Today is Friday, so you have the whole weekend to get settled. Here is your dorm room partner and the room number, along with the room level you are on. And here is the paper for your classes. If you have any questions, you can come and ask me. My door is always open." He said with a smile, and I smiled back.

"Thank you." I said, and walked out of the office, into one of the hallways with Paige.

"Will you be okay if I leave? I have to get back in time for work." Paige said, and I nodded.

"I'll call you every week, okay? You know Mom and Dad still love you. Same with Charlie and Ava." She said, and I nodded.

"Bye, Millie." She said, hugging me, and I hugged her back. She smiled at me and walked out of the giant school, to her car. I put my backpack with clothes in it over my shoulders, and rolled my suitcase with me. I started walking, and then looked at my paper, for my dorm room.

Dorm room #: 353

Roommate: Wolfhard, Finn

Level: 3

Well, I guess I have a guy.

I go over to the elevator, and it opens. I walk in, and press level 3.

I get out of the elevator on level 3, and I look at the dorm room numbers.

"349, 350, 351.....353." I mumbled under my breath. It's on the right side of the hallway. I go up to it, and take a deep breath in, and then a deep breath out. I check the time, for it to be 4:30. They must be out of school by now.

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