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I updated, you're welcome. I'll look at your comments after my softball game I'm going to. Hehe, y'all better like this chapter.

A picture of the design of their house

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A picture of the design of their house. I've had it the whole time, but for some reason it wouldn't upload to Wattpad. Sorry, but here it is for everyone who's asked.

Millie's pov

"So you have everything?" I asked her, and she nodded.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." She said, and I smiled, and hugged her, which felt like the 100th time.

"I'm gonna miss you too. We need to FaceTime a lot, to stay in touch." I said, and she nodded.

"Hopefully I'll come visit again soon." She said, and I smiled.

"Bye Maddie." I said, and she hugged me one more time.

"Bye Millie." She said, then walked out the door. I closed it, and let out a breath. Finn said bye to her this morning, he's in the shower.

I ate some cereal, and checked my phone. As I was doing that, Finn was already out of the shower, walking around. I finished my cereal and put the bowl in the dishwasher, and I walked back into the room where our beds were, to see Finn sitting on his, on his phone. He was wearing black pants and a light blue flannel, his hair curly as usual.

"Okay, I have to go." He said, getting up, and walking to the door. I got up and walked over to him.

"It will be fine, I promise." I said, and he smiled.

"Okay." He said.

"Okay." I responded.

"See you at 8:30." He said, smiling, then walking out of the dorm room.

I didn't have anything to do, so I just sat on my bed and watched Greys anatomy on my computer.

Meredith and Derek are my otp.


After about a season and a half of that, I realized it's 8:00. (Lol me during the summer)

I get up and make my bed, I make Finns bed, and I clean. I cleaned the kitchen, ran the dishwasher, I cleaned the living room, and I did the laundry. (Lol NOT me during the summer)

There were no lights on, the only light that was coming into the room was the moons light, making it a little visible.

I heard the door open, and then it closed. I walked up to Finn, and I could see he smiled at me.

"How was it?" I asked him.

"It was good. Stressful though." He said, about to walk away, but I stopped him, by pushing him back against the wall, the faint light helping me from not looking into his eyes. I looked down to the bottom of his flannel, and grabbed it, unbuttoning one of his buttons.

"Why was it stressful?" I asked, in a soft voice.

"I-it was just a lot of stress, the coaches there and-uh-everything." He said, stuttering, as I unbuttoned the third button.

"Can I do anything to help?" I whispered, and I saw him smile.

"Yeah, you can." He said, and I smiled, unbuttoning the last button on his flannel. I looked up to his eyes, and he was looking in my eyes. I gripped both sides of his flannel with my hands, and pulled him to me. We were so close our noses could touch, and we didn't break the eye contact. Then we both leaned in, connecting our lips together.

As we connected our lips together, I felt Finns hands secure around my waist, my hands gripping his flannel tighter.

Our mouths parted, to get air, then we went back into the kiss. We parted and unparted a couple times, but then kept the kiss, opening our mouths with it.

I felt him lift me off the ground, so I wrapped my legs around him, and he walked to one of our beds, I don't know which one. He set me down on it, and he stayed on top of me, not letting go of the kiss we were sharing.

I let go of his flannel, then held it again, only to take it off of him.

When it was off, I put my hands behind his neck, as he went deeper into the kiss we were sharing.

After a few seconds, I pushed him over, so I got on top of him, straddling him. I put my hands on the sides of his face, and melted back into the kiss. Finns hands made their way to my waist, and stayed there. I slowly pulled back from the kiss, as we caught our breath. I kissed his cheek, then trailed them down to his jawline, to his jaw, then to his neck.

"Millie," Finn whispered, still catching his breath.

"What?" I asked, and stopped kissing his neck, looking at him.

"We never said bird." He said, and smiled.

"Shut up Finn." I said, and he laughed. I placed my lips back on his, and I felt his hands move off of my waist, and to the end of my T-shirt. I felt him lift it up, and I helped him, taking it off of me.

We flipped over again, so he was on top of me, and I was on the bed. He was kissing my neck, and I closed my eyes.

"I'm a good dorm mate." I said, and he looked at me.

"You're also an amazing person in general." He said, and I smiled. He connected our lips again, pressing down harder against my bottom lip.

I moved my hands up to his hair, running my fingers through his dark brown curls.

His hands were placed on the bed, to make sure he doesn't put a lot of weight on me.

I moved my hands from his hair, and tapped his hands, signaling him. He lifted his hands up to connect with mine, intertwining our fingers together.

He stopped kissing me, and our foreheads were rested on each other, and we were catching our breath.

"Millie, I need to say something." Finn said, and I lifted my eyes to look at him.

"What is it Finn?" I asked him. He didn't respond for a while, until he did.

"Nothing. I can't remember." He said, and kissed me again.

And not stopping.

Spoicy aye mate? What was Finn gonna tell her omg

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