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Hey. Your comments on my last update helped me a lot, I read them on my way to school, and I was in the best mood ever. I love all of you guys. Thank you.

Have fun with this chapter, and make sure to comment. :)

Millie's pov

I woke up to hear a bunch of people's voices.

Guys voices.

I didn't open my eyes yet, until I felt a cold substance land on my face and my arms. I'm assuming Finn did too, and I opened my eyes, and looked over in front of Finns bed.

It was all of the lacrosse team.

I think Finn saw it too, and we both jumped out of our cuddling position to opposite sides of the bed. I looked down at my arms and saw that it was silly string, and water. And they blew an air horn.

"What the hell?" Finn yelled, and the guys were laughing.

"Wake-ups dude!" Some guy yelled, and I was still sitting there, freaking out.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" Finn asked.

"It's called wake-ups for a reason. And why were you and Millie just sleeping together?" Another guy asked, and my eyes widened. I looked at Finn, and he had the same face as me.

"Oh my god, Finns dating his dorm mate." I heard a guy say in the group of twenty that were in the fucking room.

"No! No he's not." I said, and one of them turned on the light.

"Okay just- I'll meet you in the lobby." Finn said, and they started to migrate towards the door. On the way out I could hear 'Finn finally got a girl' or 'I can't believe he's dating his dorm mate'.

I checked the time, and it was 3 in the morning. Finn got up and packed a bag, and I sat on the end of the bed, my feet dangling. I heard thunder, and I jumped a little.

Finn was on the ground with his bag by the closet, and he turned his body to me.

"Millie, I'm sorry." He said, and I didn't look at him.

"Look, I read the note. She's a bitch, and so is Jacob. They are just jealous of you, because you actually talk to me and interact with me, unlike them because, like I said before, they're bitches." He said, and I looked over to him.

"And I'm sorry my phone was dead. You told me you were going to Lilia and Sophia's, so I thought you would be okay." He said, and I took a deep breath in, and then looked over to his eyes.

"Promise you will keep your phone charged when I leave the house, and help around the house more?" I said, and he smiled.

"Yes. I promise." He said, and I smiled.

"So you're not mad at me anymore?" He asked.

"No." I said, and another loud thing of thunder roared, and I jumped again.

"You know, I don't have to go to wakeups." He said, obviously sensing how afraid of thunder and lightning I am.

"No. I don't want to keep you here. Go." I said, and he thought about it.

"What will you do?" He said, standing up, since he packed everything.

"I don't know." I said, and he looked down.

"Just text me, I'll respond." He said, and I smiled and nodded. I got up, and opened the door for him. I grabbed his hand, and pushed him out the door.

"Go. You're late." I said, and smiled at him. He smiled.

"And make sure to tell them that we aren't dating." I said, and he did a thumbs up, and left.

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