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Finns pov

I woke up to see that Millie was already awake, but she didn't move out of my arms. She noticed I was awake, and shifted out of them, leaning on her side towards me.

"You're up before your alarm?" I asked, and she nodded.

"It hurts to breathe." She said, and I looked down to her neck. It was partially swollen from where Sadie's roommate was holding her. I can't believe I let that happen. Good thing I went in there.

It was also a dark purple color of bruises, there were 10 little ones, because his fingers were indenting into her neck.

"I'm sorry. I should've went in there sooner." I said, and she sighed.

"I'm lucky you even came in. Don't be sorry." She said, and I nodded. She looked down and grabbed my hand, and laced our fingers together.

"I can't run anymore this week." She said, and I nodded.

"You'll be okay Mills, you just have to let the swelling drop down." I said, and she nodded.

"Sadie's arms were all bruised. But they weren't bruises from yesterday. They were old." Millie said, and I turned to her.

"So She was lying about him taking it too far only that night?" I asked.

"Probably. There were a lot of bruises on her arms, and she can't get that many bruises from sports." She said.

I really want to kill him now.

"She went to talk to a guidance counselor or the principal, right?" I asked her.

"Yeah." Millie responded, and she was looking at my face.

Her eyes flickered down to my lips, then back up to my eyes.

She always talks to me about my lips. About how soft and plump they are. I mean I guess they're okay, but Millie loves them.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked her, and she bit her lip and shrugged.

She's picked up that habit. Biting her bottom lip a little bit. I don't even think she realizes that she's doing it, but I think it's cute.

It makes me want to kiss her. All the time.

"What?" She asked me, and I smiled.

"What?" I asked her.

"You're staring at me, with that look on your face." She said, and I smiled.

"What look?" I asked her, and she smiled at me and bit her lip again. I immediately leaned in and placed my lips against hers.

We sat up, and she climbed on top of me, my hands going to her waist. Her hands were in my hair, tugging it down, causing me to groan.

She pushed me back down onto the bed, my back hitting her bedsheets. She let go of my lips, and I felt them again on my neck. She went lower and lower, hitting a spot that made me let out a loud groan. She met my eyes again and smiled, and I lifted my head up, connecting our lips together, and pushing her back down on the bed, making me the one on top. She pressed the side of her legs against my waist, I was in between them.

We didn't let go of the kiss, making it more intense as I pushed my bottom lip against hers more. I heard her let out a noise too, and my hands made their way to her bare back, under her shirt, and the other hand on her thigh.

We let go when we heard really loud knocks on the door.

"Are you guys up??? It's Lilia!! And Sophia!!" They said, and I got off of Millie, and she pushed me off her bed, and I got on mine, as she got up and went to answer the door.

She was only wearing a shirt. My shirt. Fuck.


She opened the door before she answered me, and Lilia and Sophia walked in. They looked at me, then looked at my hair.

"Jesus Finn, bed head much?" Lilia asked, and Sophia and Millie laughed.

"Why are you guys here?" Millie asked, and all I could look at was the shirt she was wearing. They are obviously gonna tell that it's mine, I wear it all the time.

"We were bored, wanted to know if you wanted to do something." Sophia said, and then I saw Lilia and Sophia furrow their eyebrows at Millie, then looked at me and furrowed their eyebrows.

"Millie, why do you have bruises on your neck?" Lilia asked.

"Finn, what's wrong with your hand?" Sophia asked, and Millie looked over to me.

I looked back at her, and then we looked over to them again.

"The other day when we got back from after we were on the roof with you all, we heard screaming from our neighbors dorm. We went in and saw that Jake had Sadie Sink against the wall, punching her." Millie said, and they gasped.

Millie's pov

"Finn got him off and punched him, repeatedly. I got Sadie to our room but went back to get her stuff, but Jake was still up and he choked me." I said, and they gasped again.

"I walked in and got him off her." said, and they looked at Finn.

"Aweeee," they both said, and Finns face got a dark shade of red.

"I'm fine. Finns hand is getting better, too." I said, and they nodded.

"What about Sadie?" Lilia asked.

"She went to guidance, asked for a new roommate, told them what happened." I said, and they nodded.

"I have another question." Sophia asked, and I looked at her.

"What?" I asked, and she smiled.

"Why do you have Finns shirt on?" They asked, and my eyes widened. I looked at my shirt, and it was Finns. It went down to my mid thigh. It was a black one with the band he likes on it.

I looked over to Finn, and he smiled and raised his eyebrows. That's probably what he wanted to tell me before I opened the fucking door.

"Uhh I-

"Wait wait wait." Lilia said, and looked at Finn, then at me.

"Finns hair is messy, messier than usual. Millie is wearing Finns shirt. Oh my-

"My hair is always messy in the morning!" Finn said, cutting her off.

"Dude, id always see your hair in the morning. I slept over with Jaeden all the time. It's way more messy than usual." Lilia said, and Finn had his mouth gaped like he wanted to say something, but didn't.

"Who cares if I'm wearing his shirt? I asked him if I could wear it, and he didn't care." I said, and Lilia and Sophia looked at each other, like they were debating on saying something else.

"Okay, well can you explain the moaning sounds we literally just heard before we knocked on the door?" Sophia said, and I looked at Finn, and his eyes were widened just like mine.

"Finn was watching porn." I said, and Finn went along with my idea and nodded.

"Porn? At 10 in the morning?" Lilia asked, and they both looked at Finn.

"He has his needs girls." I said, and Finns face got red.

"Millie! You don't need to tell them everything!" He said, and they laughed. He got up and took their hands, and led them to the door.

"It was fun talking, but you need to leave." He said, and they smiled.

"Why? Do you need to back to your porn session?" Lili asked, and they both laughed. I did too.

"Shut up!" Finn said, and they laughed, as he shut the door on them. He turned around to me, and I was laughing quietly.

"I hate you." He said, and I laughed, and grabbed his hand before he could walk away.

"No you don't." I said, turning to him. He smiled and looked at me.

"Could've said you were the one watching porn." He said, and I laughed even more.



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