SoKor Day One

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Dara woke early considering she couldn't really sleep last night. She recalled about the the pair of light brown orbs that she saw last night. Though it was briefed, she recognized those pair of orbs. It was the same orbs that had been clouding her thoughts ever since she left France. She's been wondering of who he was. Wishing that she had the nerve to say something to him instead of just getting into a staring stage with him. Seeing him here in South Korea which is completely miles away from France gave her an idea that he could also be Korean. That kind of made her day as she happily got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the long day ahead that she Bom had planned to do for the day.

"Good morning Bommie-yah!" Dara greeted Bom as she was coming down the stairs.

"Good morning to you too! C'mon let's eat breakfast because we have a long day ahead of us."

"So what's the first plan?" Dara asked Bom.

"Well, first thing first we have to stop by the office real quick because I have to sign some documents that is due by next week. That will also give you a chance to see appa and to check out our little business."

Bom and her dad owns an infamous PR (Public Relations) agency. They handle half of the country's big corporations and some small businesses as well as some part of the government agencies.

As they arrived at the four story building owned by Bom's family. Dara noticed that there were men in suits with a pair of ear piece in their ears opening the door for them and greeted them a good morning while bowing their heads. People started to line up and some just stood still from where they were and bowed down their heads. Dara felt amused about the whole thing for she is not used to this kind of culture anymore. Bom would always tell her that she's too Americanized for her own good.

"Bommie-yah! Wo-ow! What was that about?" Dara was so bummed out about it when she asked her cousin.

Bom started chuckling and turned to Dara once they got in to her office.

"I know! You might think that is kind of weird but that is how it is here in Korea your mother country. Since we are the boss and they are our employees, that is how they show respect and gratitude to us because we have given them a job and that we are helping their family because of it." Bom said proudly.

Dara took a mental note to herself that she will need to start learning more about the SoKor's period. She felt a bit embarrassed that she doesn't have a clue about her mother country.

She was looking around Bom's office and she was stunned when she saw how big Bom's office is. It's bigger than her room in America. She noticed that behind Bom's desk is a big window overlooking the city. She decided to walked by the window to look out and a smile forming in her face as she wait.

"So, do you like what you see so far?" Bom asked as she stood right next to Dara.

Dara shook her head and replied by saying. "I wish I could have gone back here to visit at least once. I didn't have a clue of how beautiful this country is. Most especially, I feel embarrassed for not knowing anything about our mother country."

Bom said to her while patting her back. "Well, we can't really blame you because you were too focused on your studies and other activities. But girl, you know that you now have the time to get to know your mother country if you would only give it a chance."

Dara smiled at the thought. She consider it for now and will decide later.

Bom and Dara are finally heading out to fulfill their day plans ahead. Second stop. Mall. They went shopping til they dropped.

Dara bought so many stuffs to take home as a gift to her family and friends in America. Never had she shopped this much. She actually took her time shopping.

Dara and Bom were walking on the third floor of the mall when suddenly Bom squealed and started running a few feet away from her towards the two girls who were wearing a masked.

"Bom unnie!" Dara heard the girl who seemed to be older than the other girl.

"Chaerin-ah!" Bom greeted the girl with a hug, then turned to the other girl and did the same thing. "Minzy-ah!"

The younger girl excitedly hugged Bom. "Bom unnie, where have you been? We haven't see you for quite sometime now."

"I know girls, been really busy lately."
She then turned to Dara as she took her wrist and she introduced her to her friends. "This is my cousin Dara who is vacationing from the U.S. Dara these two girls are my favorite dongsaengs from way, way back." Bom said rolling her eyes trying to remember the years that they have known each other. "Not sure if you remember me mentioning them to you the last time I've visited you in the states?" Bom asked Dara.

Dara thought about it for a moment and she smiled remembering them.

"Yes I do actually. They are both singers right?" Dara asked in English.

Bom nod her head and started giggling. "By the way, this cousin of mine grew up in America and had seemed to have developed a twisted tongue whenever she speaks Korean. But she does understand and can speak it only with an American accent though." Bom explained to her friends as she has her left arm around Dara.

Dara started to feel embarrassed as she shook her head.

Chaerin and Minzy completely assured her that they understand while giving her a smile.

Chaerin furrowed her eyes on Bom as she asked her about the event that same night. "Bom unnie, you did not forget about tonight right? We're having a private party for the boys before their concert next week."

Bom turned red for forgetting about the private party for BigBang tonight.

Minzy just nodded her head from left to right knowing that their friend forgot about it. "Bom unnie, you have been forgetting a lot of things. I better call you too next week to remind you about the concert. Oh yeah, and make sure to bring Dara unnie with you tonight and next week for the concert." Minzy looks disappointed at Bom.

Bom apologized to the two girls and have promised that they will be there tonight and next week for the concert of the BigBang.

They bid goodbye for now as they will be seeing each other again later tonight.

Bom and Dara finally made it back Bom's house.

"Uhmm Bommie-ah?" Dara softly called out to Bom but was not able to finish what she was about to say.

Bom cut her out by giving her a stare that says, "Do not even think about making up excuses to not go to the party with me tonight." She knows her cousin so well. She's not a very sociable person but she promised herself that she will make sure that Dara will learn to come out of her shell and to live life a little.

Dara came out of the bathroom after taking her time to shower. She was drying her hair when Bom came in to her room with a big case. Bom placed the case on top of her dresser and went directly to Dara's closet and started pulling out clothes that she handpicked herself while Dara could only watch Bom as she finished.

Bom asked Dara to sit down in front of the dresser as she faced the mirror. Bom started to work-wonders on Dara and picked out a black strapless cut out split wide leg jumpsuit with matching five inches classic ankle strap dress sandals. She then looked at her collection of jewelries and picked out a plain platinum silver hoop earrings and had Dara wear it.
She did a neutral makeup that brought her natural beauty that consist of dark brown for her eyebrows, soft natural powder, black mascara and light pink lip gloss. Then Bom worked on her hair living half of her natural wavy hair at the bottom but straightened out half of the top.
When she was done she made Dara face the wide full size mirror and squealed really loud while tightly hugging her cousin.

"OMG!!! You know how long I have been itching to do your make over? Years!" She said with conviction.

Dara shyly shook her head and said. "You know you are not the only one." She looked up at Bom smiling.

Bom put both her hands on Dara's shoulders and made her look at her as she softly said, "Cuz you are unbelievably gorgeous and you are just hiding it from everyone. I don't know why? Please promise me that you will never hide yourself from that thick glasses of yours?" She then smile sending her cousin a message that she meant what she just said.

All Dara can do is nod her head smiling at her cousin.

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