Day Three-Part 2

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Bom was jumping up and down on Dara's bed trying to wake her up. She stirred, stretched her whole body and smiled at Bom. "Good morning Bonnie-ah!" Bom was dumbfounded and just stared at her cousin. "Why is she acting out of the ordinary this morning. She used to jump on Dara's bed to wake her whenever she would visit her in America and she would be so pissed at her with a death glare shooting straight at her. She would then chase her around their house and hit her. "But right now, she seems different and she did not even mind the way I woke her up just now." She thought to herself.

Bom reached out and touch Dara's forehead and her forehead at the same time. Dara gave her a "What are you doing kind of look?" " surely do not have a fever." Bom said with a confused look on her face. "Whatever medicine Jiyong gave you last night, it actually works. Tell him to continue giving it to you. Arasso?" She then sat on the bed facing Dara.

Dara unconsciously touched her lips. "Omo omo!" Bom was shrieking so loud and hugged her cousin as she swayed them both from side to side. "An apple prince finally landed on the forbidden fruit."

"Yah?! What are you saying?" Dara asked as she hit her cousin on the arm. "What apple prince? What forbidden fruit?"

Bom giggled. She playfully raised her eyebrows and sweetly poke Dara on her side. Dara jumped to her side and raised her hand to stop her cousin from poking her. "So, what did you do last night? Where did you go? What happened?..."

"What's with this one hundred questions? Just to remind you I'm officially done with school. So stop asking me all this nonsense questions." Dara lied back down and pretended to go back to sleep.

"You like him don't you? Be honest now. I know you. Did your heart flutter when know." She then acted by hugging herself, closing her eyes and perked her lips out with a sound of a kiss.

Dara pushed her cousin quite hard enough that Bom almost fell out of bed.  "Yah?!"

Bom could only laugh at her cousin's reaction. She loves to tease her especially now. Her phone vibrated from her back pocket and it made her jump. Dara chuckled as she saw Bom's reaction.

"Hello." Bom said as she picked up her phone.

"Bom unnie! Have you seen the latest news this morning?" CL is on the other line.

"What news? Why? What's going on?"

"Is Dara unnie there with you?"

"Yeah, she's right next to me. What's going on CL?" Bom asked as she put the phone on speaker.

"Good morning CL?" Dara greeted her.

"Omo, good morning unnie!"

"So what is this about CL?"

"Well...go and check it out online and see for yourself."

Bom opened up another apps on her phone and saw what CL was talking about. "Ottoke!"

With a worried look to her cousin. She showed Dara a picture of her and Jiyong when they were at the ER lobby. Jiyong covered her face with his jacket and his arms around her protectively. Her face could not really be seen because Jiyong made sure to cover her face.

"Does G-Dragon the leader of Bigbang have a new girl in his life? Who could she be?" As it was written as a caption to the story. Dara's face turned white and she started shaking.

Just then Dara's phone started ringing. She picked it up and it was Jiyong.

"Hello." Dara shakily answered the phone.

"Damn!" Jiyong thought to himself. He can hear that she is quite shaken in her voice. "Are you okay?" He waited for her to answer and it's making him nervous. "Can I come over? I need to see you Dara. Please?"
He is begging her as if his life depended on it.

Dara agreed and they hanged up. She went straight to the bathroom and took a warm shower and gotten ready to see Jiyong.

Bom just stayed rooted on her spot when Dara left for the bathroom. Not until she heard the shower being turned on that she decided to leave for her room. She is worried about her cousin. She knows that Dara hate publicity. She doesn't even read the news nor watch the news on the television. She values her privacy because she doesn't like dramas.

Bom heard the doorbell just as she got out of her bedroom. "Jiyong-ah."

"Hi Bom! Does she already know?" Bom nodded. "How is she?"

"I'm worried about her Jiyong. Dara is a very private person, she hates publicity like this. She doesn't even follow the news."

Jiyong could only drop his head down as he leaned on the door. Eyes closed he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I kind of figured that out myself from the very first time I've met her a couple of nights ago." He looked straight at Bom and said, "I love Dara, Bom. I have loved her ever since I've laid my eyes on her in France and she never left. I honestly don't want to lose her ever, especially now that I finally found her. Nobody knows except for Tahee of how I have become ever since I came back from France. I broke down into depression." He smirked at himself. "Is that even possible? People may think that I have gone crazy over a girl even more so, if they knew that I know nothing about her; not even the first letter of her first name. We must be fated to each other because if we are not. There's a very slim chance, very slim at all that our path will ever cross again in this life time. I need her in my life Bom. Now if it means that I have to give up my status in this society I will do so in a heartbeat. Because I don't think I can ever live without her in my life."

Dara was rooted in the middle of the living room as she listened to Jiyong's confession. Tears of joy just kept on flowing down her face. Her heart is happily beating for the man standing right by the door. She dropped her head down and sniffed as she closed her eyes.

Jiyong and Bom looked at each other then to Dara. Without another word Jiyong walked towards the love of his life. Seeing her tears broke his heart to thousand pieces. He lifted her chin up to face him. "Dara baby, please look at me?" He gently caressed her right cheek. She opened her eyes and saw the worried look on his face. She shyly smiled at him as she looked him straight in the eyes.

She's done with. She really had deeply fallen in love with Jiyong. "I love you too Jiyong!" She then genuinely smiled at him. Jiyong felt his heart beat so fast and tears forming in his eyes. He also genuinely smiled back at Dara as he asked her again.

"Wh-What did you just said?"

"I said...I love you too Jiyong!"

"That's what I thought you said. A-are you sure? You are not being pressured or anything?"

Dara moved closer to Jiyong and she wrapped her arms around his neck and said. "I am really...really sure that I have fallen deeply in-love with you, Jiyong. My heart, my mind and my body only belongs to you, Jiyong."

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