Life in L.A.

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Three weeks after Jiyong and Dara got back to Los Angeles they were very busy with a lot of stuff. Dara went back to work as an ER provider (doctor) while Jiyong is preparing for a shocking announcement of their marriage in public.

"Babe are you going to be okay with all of these? Are you ready to face, of how your fans is going to accept you marrying me? Will they accept me for you? To be honest I'm kind of very scared about all these."

Dara and Jiyong were talking after their awesome love making. Dara opened up about being scared. First of her husband is considered to be a legend in the Kpop industry. A lot of his fans all over the world will surely be shocked, angry, sad, happy and maybe for some they don't care at all. She's not quite looking forward to all the haters, to all the threats, to all the negative words that she will be receiving and to whatever else others might do or say. She's actually stressing out about it.

"It's going to be okay babe. Do you trust me?"

Dara nodded.

"Then you don't have anything to worry about. Just ignore everything, all the negative words and things that those people will expressed. Because that is just it, they just want to express their own feelings and we'll let them. Because at the end of all their venting we, you and I will still be married and will be loving each and I will always know the truth. There's nothing nor anyone can do to make me love you less nor leave you. Because before that ever happened I will make sure that it will be a regrettable thing to do."

Jiyong looked at his wife's worried look. He doesn't want to see her stressing out on anything. So...he finally decided something.

"Babe? I know that we have discussed about having our second wedding here. But how do you feel to just have our marriage be registered here and do a civil wedding in private just the two of us and maybe our family. Then we'll just have our big reception here in public. I'll just arranged for our wedding in Korea to be shown in public during our reception. I know that a lot of my fans will be completely disappointed, mad, angry. But I am human too. They are just going to have to accept the things that I want to do for myself. Not all the time that they can dictate on how to run my personal life. I'm grateful to all of them because I have made it this far but they don't own me. Like what I have told you before and I will say it again. If things turns out difficult because of the decisions I have made for you and I, and my fans cannot accept it. I'm willing to give up my status and live a normal life. If anything I can always do  other things but I will never give you up. You are mine babe and I will keep you with me until my last breath."

With that said both fell into slumber.

Jiyong woke up the next day and found himself alone in bed. He got scared for this is the first time he woke up without his precious wife next to him. Then he heard something in the bathroom and so he proceeded there and found his wife bent down in the toilet bowl vomiting. He took three big steps to get to her with a worried face.

"Babe oh my gaa...are you okay? What happened?"

He was panicking as he rubbed the back of his wife and pulled her hair to the back as she repetitiously vomiting.

"Babe please tell me what to do?"

Dara then slowly straighten up and walked to the sink but Jiyong held her back.


Dara lovingly smiled at her husband's worried face and lightly touched his cheek. She picked up her toothbrush filled it with toothpaste and brushed her teeth. She also washed her face with soap and water before turning to her husband who still wore a worried face. She pulled him back to their bedroom and sat him at the edge of their bed. Looking at him directly in the eyes and genuinely smiled at him.

"I'm ok babe. That's a very normal thing for a woman who is..."

"Normal? What are you talking about? Are you sick babe? Do we need to bring to see a doctor?"

Dara started chuckling at her husband's cuteness.

"What? Why are you laughing? Is there something funny?"

Dara smiled again and hold his face between her hands and kissed him on the lips and linger there for a bit. But a Jiyong lifted her up on the bed and laid her down him being on top of her. Talking and worried feelings forgotten as he kissed his wife with so much love and passion. As he is still naked and all but his wife is wearing his shirt he pulled it up and took it off from her. He lavished her body as his mouth covered her mounds. He slowly cupped her entrance and felt how ready and wet she is for him. He growled at that and positioned himself in between her legs as he rubbed his hard crotch on her core before easing into her. She satisfactorily gasped at the feel of her husband in her. He was thrusting harder and faster as he took her to another bliss of happiness. Together they reached the peak of their orgasm. Jiyong took his wife with him as he slowly laid down on his back. Her head is on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.

"Are you feeling okay now babe?"

Dara lifted her head up and positioned herself on top of him so that she could look at his face. She sheepishly smiled at him.

"Babe as I was saying know for some women who are happily married to the man they love they can create something amazingly wonderful together."

"And what would that amazingly wonderful creation would be?"

He playfully asked her with a smirk on his face.

Dara returned it by rolling her eyes at him.

Jiyong chuckled at her cuteness when she rolled her eyes.

"What? The only amazing thing that I could think of is..."

His eyes widened so big as if it's going to fall off of his socket with his gaped mouth. Dara sheepishly smiled.

"A-are you saying... that...oh my...babe?"

Jiyong couldn't finish a complete sentence as he was pointing his index finger at her and him back and forth with whatever facial expressions he is making.

Dara burst into a heartfelt laughter. Jiyong happily hugged his wife and kissed her all over her face as he caught her and locked it in the palms of his hands. Then he settled his lips on her as he kissed her endlessly with all the feelings that's is running through him at that moment.

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