Special Chapter

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A Month Later:

Jiyong woke up when he heard a cry from one of the triplets. It was Ji-ho. He went to check and found his diaper is soaking wet the reason why he was crying. Jiyong went to lift him up from the crib as to not wake up the other two otherwise it's going to be a little busy. His wife is also still sleeping because she has been taking care the three while he was working in his studio. They take turns and so far they have created a system together.

"Hey there. I know...I know you're wet. Daddy's here now and I will change you okay?" He whispered to his son soothing him. Ji-ho finally stopped crying as Jiyong changed his diaper. Now it's time to put him back to sleep. He started rocking him back and forth while humming and sitting on the rocking chair. He finally was able to put him back to sleep and laid him back down in his crib. He also checked on the other two and seems like they are still sound asleep.

Jiyong then was about to go back to bed when he hears a little cry. He quickly went to check which of the three are waking up. The cribs are for now in their room for easy access. It was his little princess who is waking up and about to cry. Without realizing it Jiyong was also making the same facial expression. He went to pick her up quickly but carefully because once she starts crying the other two will wake up and for sure his wife will wake up too which he is trying to prevent from happening.

"Hush my little princess. Yeah. Daddy's here. I know, you need your diaper change. I know. It's okay my love, super daddy will change it." Jiyong whispered to his daughter. After the diaper change he carried her again in his arms as he rock her back to sleep. Knowing his daughter he loves to hear his daddy sing to her to sleep. Just then she fell back to sleep and he slowly placed her back in her crib which is between the two older brothers.

He went to check on Ji-yoo's diaper also to make sure and...yup he's also wet. He went ahead and change his diaper before he wakes up too. He finally was able to go back to sleep.

"Babe!? Babe!?" Jiyong was hollering out loud as he was panicking.

Dara ran from the kitchen to the living room to check on her panicking husband. There she found him carrying little Ji-yoo peeing on his daddy while Jiyong was carrying him away from him. Then she looked at the other two who are on the blanket on the floor. Ji-ho is pooping while Jin-Ae is crying her heart out. She doesn't know who she needs to go to first but she also cannot help laughing as how comedy everything looks like at the moment. She was laughing so hard on how her husband looked like as he's trying to close his eyes and mouth while Ji-yoo is peeing on him.

Still laughing Dara decided to get Ji-yoo instead from her husband. Jiyong went to grab some wipes to wipe his face the ran to check on Ji-ho as he was pooping and crying. When he opened his diaper it was full of poop and the smell he accidentally inhaled them all. He made a disgusting face as he hold his breath. Dara burst out into another laughter as she was changing Ji-yoo. When she was done she went to pick up her little princess and started singing because her princess loves music. She noticed before that every time she sings to her Jin-Ae would seem to be singing with her. Mother and daughter are now singing together and this made Jiyong fell in love with his wife and daughter even more.

First Birthday:

"Happy birthday Ji-ho, Ji-yoo and Jin-Ae. Happy birthday to you?" Both sides of their family, friends and colleagues were all singing to the triplets. Everyone were enjoying the party as they have set up their backyard like a fall festival since the triplets were born in the middle of October. There were rides, pumpkin picking, food booths, music, circus, petting zoo, game booths and prices. It was all planned by Dami, Ami and Seth their older siblings and the gangs who also happened to be the triplets godparents as well.

Three Years after:

Jiyong happened to stop by the babies play room. When he noticed his little princess is having tea cup party with her older brothers. Who also happened to have a boring facial expression on their faces. Jiyong watched them for a moment as a smile is forming on his face.

"I don't want to pway tea cup anymore it's so bowing." Ji-yoo whines and got up to play with his robot toys.

"I'll stay for a while. But then I will play with Ji-yoo. Okay?" Ji-ho the responsible one said. But left after fifteen seconds.

Jin-Ae shook her head in sadness as two of her older brothers stopped playing with her. Seeing this Jiyong felt heartbroken and decided to play with his little girl.

He sat down in front of Jin-Ae with a smile and said. "Hmmm...that smells really good. May I order one cup of tea please?"

Jin-Ae snapped her head up with a surprise smile as she said. "Sure. Coming right up." She then pretended to pour some tea on an empty tea cup and offered it to her dad. "Here you go sir. That will be a dollar sir." She said in her cutest voice that melted Jiyong's heart.

He pretended to drink it and asked for more which gained him another beautiful smile from his daughter. "She really does have her mother's smile." He thought to himself.

Triplets at Five:

"Daddy that's not fair! How come I always lose to you and Ji-ho." Complained Ji-yoo as they were playing Mario Brother's car race game.

Jiyong then said. "Baba this is just a game don't take it to heart. But when you grow up you will learn that there are some things in life that is always not fair and you will need to accept any losses. That goes to you too Ji-ho. Do you both understand?" The boys nodded in understanding and they all continued to play happily.

Triplets as a Teenagers:

Dara was telling Jiyong that their little girl is no longer a baby anymore. At the age of twelve Jin-Ae is now considered a teenager. "W...what do you mean babe?" Jiyong nervously asked.

Dara laughed at her husband's reaction. "Well...you see. Each girl has to go through a stage of their lives where they can now decide for themselves about responsibilities. They have to learn how to care for themselves first before caring about others." Jiyong is still a bit confused as he furrowed his brows. Dara cleared her throat as she noticed her husband's reaction and continued to explain in plain words. "Okay. What I meant is she is now considered a woman. She just got her period. Month...ly peri...od?" She said hinting him.

"P...peri...od?" Jiyong still confused but suddenly understands. "What!? N...O!!! But she's only twelve babe. She can't be..." Jiyong whispered the last sentence sadly. Dara slowly hugged her husband in understanding.

"I'm going to have a talk with the boys to make sure to triple times protect their little sister." Jiyong said with conviction.

Triplets at sixteen:

Dara, Jiyong and the grandparents as well as the whole gangs (Bigbang boys and the girls), also which includes their aunts, uncle and their families are all watching the triplets as they performed to them.
The triplets inherited their parent's talents in the arts of music. Each of them plays different kinds of instruments, can sing and dance and can even write songs. The only thing is that Ji-ho being the oldest seems to be very interested in studying compared to his two younger siblings. Ji-yoo is very interested in music just like his dad. As for Jin-Ae she's into arts and fashion. But all three of them are also second degree black belts in different kind of martial arts.


***For real this is the end no more surprises. I'm sure you all can imagine how things are going to be as the triplets grows up.😉***


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