Genders Reveal

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Saturday morning was very hectic at the Park-Kwon's household. The Bigbang boys and the girls just arrived the night before and everyone are helping out with all the last minute details for the party.

"Dara unnie! Don't you dare touch a thing."

CL said panicking as Dara was about to go through the box of decorations.

"Huh? Why?"

Dara asked in confusion.

CL then walked over to her and picked up the box away from her as the others agreed with CL.

"You shouldn't be moving around too much unnie."

Minzy chimed in.


"No buts Dara-aah! You should be resting and not moving around."

Bom also said.

Dara crossed her arms across her chest and looked at the three best friends she has.

"Look here girls. I'm a doctor myself and I'm sure I should be the one who's aware of things that I should or shouldn't do. And for Pete's sake I'm pregnant and not bed ridden. Plus I'm bored and I want to do stuff."

Dara started complaining with pouty lips.

Just then Jiyong came with the boys and saw his wife's cute pouty lips and kissed her on the lips. He then pulled her closer to his chest and with a frown he asked.

"What's the matter babe? Are you not well?"

Dara pouted her lips and shook her head low.

"I just want to be able to help but it seems like nobody wants me to do anything."

Jiyong smirked and placed his forefinger and thumb under his wife's chin.

"Look at me babe." Jiyong leveled his head down as he search for his wife's eyes. "Babe!? Please don't take it personal, everyone here loves you and cares for you and our little miracles. This is your day after all so please just relax and be happy. All of us here are happy and excited for whatever this day will become. So..." Jiyong embraces his wife closer to him and told her. "Why don't you go and rest on the couch over there so that you can still be somehow part of this craziness. Hmmm?"

Dara softened her face and accepted defeat. "Okay."

As Dara walked towards the couch everyone happily went back to do the chores that they are assigned to.

CL and Minzy carried the box and started decorating the place while Daesung and Top went to the backyard to set up the tables and chairs. Bom and Seungri are assigned to host and make plan for the games.
Jiyong and Taeyang are assigned to music and being greeters.

The household was busy with everything that is going on while Dara was just sitting down watching them all and would at times answer questions or vice versa. While the elders are busy preparing some of the foods and giving instructions to the caterers and helpers.

From time to time Jiyong would check on his wife and attend to her needs. "Babe how are you holding up?"

"I'm so bored babe. Can I at least do something to help?" Dara pleaded to her husband while pouting.

Jiyong chuckled at the kind of look his beautiful wife is giving him. He finally gave in and handed her the list of games and what kind of winning present will go with what. Seeing how that made his wife smile wholeheartedly made him feel the luckiest man alive.

The team is pretty much done with all the preparations and decorations. Each one of them went to get themselves ready for the party.


"Hi! Welcome! Thank you for coming." Jiyong and Dara warmly greeted all their guests as all of them are very close to the couple.

As each ladies and gentlemen were given a baby pin and attached them to their tops when they came. The rule of the game is, ladies are not allowed to cross their legs when they are sitting down and once they do whosoever sees them will take their baby pin(s). Whoever have collected baby pins the most is the winner.

For the guys. They are not allowed to say Dara's name nor Jiyong's name. If they slipped by saying either of their names whosoever hears them will take their pin(s). Whoever have collected baby pins the most is the winner.

Throughout the day was chaotic and fun. Their guests are very serious and eager about winning different games because they heard that the grand finale is the Bigbang's latest album with all the members signature in one. As well as the mega grand price as being a promised VIP meet and greet tickets all inclusive for their future concert. The tickets are are good for two people.

Finally after everyone had eaten and are gathered outside in the garden. Dara and Jiyong are preparing for their babies gender reveal. The only people who secretly knows about the genders are Seungri and CL. Not even Dara nor Jiyong knows.

While everyone is writing down their guesses with their name on it. Seungri collected each one and tallied them. CL is patiently waiting and had placed a big wrapped box in front of the future parents to be. The only thing is that Seungri messed up on tallying and had to start over and so Top and Bom started teasing him, the more he couldn't focus and keep messing up. It was chaotic and everyone are just having fun. Finally done tallying.

CL had explained to Jiyong and Dara that inside that big box are three little box that will reveal the genders of their babies. Dara and Jiyong started unwrapping the big box. But of course it's not going to be that easy because after unwrapping the biggest box a smaller one is still wrapped. The boxes to be unwrapped gets smaller and smaller. Until they finally unwrapped the last one and only three little boxes left. Jiyong placed all three boxes in a single row on the table. Everyone are getting so excited as well as Jiyong and Dara.

"Babe which of these boxes you want to open first?" Jiyong asked his wife first and so Dara started thinking and pointed out the box that is on the right side of both of them.

Everyone is cheering and doing a drum roll. They don't know what it is inside of the box and so... as Jiyong slowly opened the first box. It was a baby bracelet with the engraved name of the top three names that Dara and Jiyong have chosen as the names for their babies. It says "Ji-ho". It is a boy's name meaning "wisdom and greatness". As everyone cheered.

Dara grabbed her husband's hand with teary eyes. Jiyong turned to his wife feeling the same as he put his left arm around her shoulders. They stayed in silence cherishing this moment as they both placed their hands on top of Dara's belly.

Then Seungri being the maknae broke the silence by saying. "Wait, wait, wait! Hyung you still have two more boxes to open." As everyone started to cheer and drum roll again.

This time, Dara asked her husband to choose from the last two boxes and Jiyong chose the one on the left and handed it over to his wife to open this time. She slowly opened it as it shows another baby bracelet but with a different name engraved on it. It says, "Ji-yoo" another boy's name. It means, "wisdom and abundant."

Everyone got excited. Some are cheering for themselves because so far only a few got it right. The grandparents to be are congratulating themselves at the background especially the grandpas as they are very proud. The grandmas are crying of happiness.

Then the last box. Jiyong and Dara stared at the last box. "Babe. Last one. You ready?" Jiyong lovingly asked his wife.

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