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Dara arrived in America for almost two months now. She busied herself working taking on any available shift possible. She doesn't want her day to be vacant because she will only end up missing Jiyong and she'll feel miserable. Her parents are starting to worry about her because she keeps working with little rest.

When she finally arrived in Los Angeles she was wearing her sunglasses the whole time because she's been crying in the plane all the way from where she had left Jiyong. Her parents noticed her sadness and lack of being bubbly herself. As soon as they arrived home she excused herself to her room and stayed there for a whole day.

"Sweetheart? May I come in?" Her mom asked after knocking.

"Yes omma." This time Dara is feeling better because Jiyong texted her. He was asking her about her flight and how she's doing.

"Hi sweetheart! How are you feeling today?"

"I'm sorry omma if I wasn't able to talk to you and dad." She kissed and hugged her tight.

Then another knock on her door was heard and this time it was her dad.

"May I come in too?"

"Yes appa of course." She also kissed and hugged him. "I'm sorry about yesterday appa."

"As long as you're okay now, that's all that matters."

"Appa, omma." Sighing Dara started to tell her parents about Jiyong.

"I know that it may seem to soon and it may seem that I may not have given it some thought. But I just want to tell you both that I'm at my happiest in my life ever." She looked at her parents and smiled.

"I have met someone. Someone that I would like to spend the rest of my life with. I first saw him in France during the fashion event where my friend from school have invited me. I felt him staring at me the whole time out of all the people that were in that venue, it was I whom he was eyeing for. We have been staring at each other the whole time but we never really get a chance to know each other. I felt an attraction between us right then. I also saw him at the after party but we needed to leave early because I have an early flight to Greece. In short we never saw each other until I went to Korea which is about a month and a half after. But he was always on mind ever since. I remember Bom was telling me about this popular kpop boy group in SoKor a while back. But of course as you both know that I was not interested at that time. Bom brought me to this pre-party for a certain kpop group come back concert after their mandatory military enlistment. He was there. It turned out that he was part of this popular kpop group called Bigbang and he's their leader. I was totally blown away when I saw him there and found out more about him. He had composed songs after songs that made it to top ten in Asia's music industry and worldwide. He is the fashion icon of SoKor. He was even part of SoKor history because he had somehow put SoKor on the map for his talent and popularity. They call him G-Dragon but his real name is Kwon Jiyong. Then the next evening one of Bom's close friends whom I've met the night before invited us to her house for dinner. It turns out that Bom's friends are both artists of the same company as Bigbang. So she had also invited them. The dinner went well because it was strictly just the five boys of Bigbang, Minzy, Bom and I."

She took a break and saw her parents understandingly listening to her.

"Jiyong finally approached me when I stepped out of the garden. We talked about what had happened to France. Then he confessed to me. He told me that he was so disappointed and heartbroken when we didn't get a chance to meet. That he poured out all his feelings writing songs and that I was always on his mind ever since France. He told that he had fallen deeply in love with me then. That is why when we saw each other at the party the night before he confirmed to himself his feelings towards me. Then there was this incident that happened when he took me home. On our way an elderly lady had a heart attack and fell right in front of Jiyong's car; in front of us. I had to perform CPR on the elderly and Jiyong helped me saved her life. I knew it then that I have also had fallen in love with him."

Her mom lovingly smiled at her as she stroked her hair. Her dad also was smiling at her as he understood what she was saying.

"Appa, omma. Jiyong proposed to me the night before I left SoKor and I have accepted."

Her parents were shocked for a bit but gave her their smile of understanding and support as they have congratulated her. They were all tearing up as they hugged each other.

"Princess. I am very happy that you have finally let yourself fall in love. Though I know it seems to be to soon but I do understand. Love does that," as he also looked at his wife and they smiled at each other. "But if you're really sure about him and he makes you happy then I will give you both my blessing."

"I too will give you both my blessing. So...when are we going to meet this fiancé of yours?"

She happily smiled at her parents.

"In a couple of months. His group is going to have a world tour and Los Angeles is part of it."

Her parents once again gave her their love and full support then left her alone.


Jiyong went straight to his studio after dropping Dara off at the airport. He started making himself busy. He is already missing her a lot and it's driving him crazy. His phone started to ring and it was his mom.

"Hello omma. Yes she just left." Jiyong chocked up a bit. "Yes I will be there for dinner. Love you too."

Jiyong arrived at his parents house looking miserable and out of his mind. His family got very concerned about him. They have never seen him like that before.

"Jiyong son. Are you okay?"

His mom started asking him concern showing on her face.

"Omma. I miss her already and it hurts."

His mom hugged him really tight and just let him let it all out as he cried on her shoulder. It took a while but he felt a relief afterwards.

"Thank you omma." He said as his tears are finally subsiding.

"It will all be okay son. It will all be okay."

He then told them about the event of their engagement and his parents and older sister Dami are happily congratulating him. They've never got a chance to meet Dara in person but they have talked to her over the phone and they like her already. Also because of the way Jiyong is when he first told them about her.

"Appa, omma and noona. Please make sure to clear your calendar in two months. Because I need you all to be with me when we tour Los Angeles. We will also visit and meet Dara and her family. I or we are going to asked her parents for her hand in marriage."

His mom and sister squealed in excitement and his dad proudly tap his shoulder.

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