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Hello. I just want to give you a heads up about this chapter. It is getting hotter and I apologized to my younger readers who are at age of 17 and younger to please refrain yourself from reading this chapter. I'm sorry to say that this will not be the last as well. Mianhae!!!


The whole week was a blur to Jiyong. He's been so busy preparing for their concert tonight but never did he lose contact with Dara. They have been constantly talking, texting and face timing on the phone whenever chance they get, though they haven't really seen each other since the last time they talked. A week had passed and it seems like the scandal is still on going. Luckily though no other picture nor video ever came out on the street incident.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when Jiyong reached his home. He took his time taking a shower and when he just came out of the bathroom he heard his doorbell. Wrapped only with his white towel on his waist down and without a trace of worries about putting something decent before opening his door as he's expecting Dara to come. He saw Dara's shocked face that turned to beet red. He smiled at her as he pulled her inside and closed the door. Gathering her in his arms without giving her time to move and kiss her endlessly. "Oh how I miss you so much." He was saying in between their kisses. He hungrily and passionately kissed her as she just followed his lead. He went crazy when he felt her arms wrapped around his naked torso. He hungrily started traces of kisses on her face, neck down to her naked shoulders and back to her lips as he heard her soft moan. He took a short break to breath while his hand pulled her hair on the side away from her face. She looks so beautiful in that summery dress that she's wearing exposing her creamy shoulder. He could tell that she's ready for whatever it is that is going to happen next between the two of them. But at the same time it is not the right time yet. He gently released her as he heard her soft complaints.

Jiyong placed his forehead against hers as he said. "Baby, as much as I want to take you right here right now, time is not going to be enough to learn every part of you. But I promise you when that time comes I will explore all of you and installed them in mind and carved them in my heart forever." He gave her one last passionate kiss that made him almost lose all his self control. He held her hands and said. "I'm just going to get ready, go ahead and take a look around and wait for me. I love you."

Dara replied by saying. "I love you too." They both smiled at each other as they slowly let go their hands. She watched Jiyong as he climbed up the stairs and disappeared. She stay rooted on her spot for a while just looking around from there. She noticed that his floor plan is bigger than Bom's place. As a matter of fact he has the whole penthouse floor to himself. She decided not to go around as it's pretty much an open floor plan from end to end. She did however stood by the window as his place has high windows. She started thinking about her vacation about to come to an end. She only has about a week and a half left and and she had already made her decision as to which hospital will she be accepting the offer. She needs Jiyong's input as well because this may affect their relationship but she also know that it is not the right time to talk to him about it because he has a lot in his plate right now. She was so lost in her track that she did not hear Jiyong until he wrapped his arms around her from the back and ran kisses on her creamy neck and shoulder. He rested his chin on her left shoulder and asked her if everything's okay. She nodded and they stayed like that for a while in a comfortable silence.

His phone's alarm went off reminding him that he needs to leave for their concert venue. He asked Dara if she wants to come with him to the venue and the latter happily agreed. They walked out of his place after making sure that he has everything that he needs. They took his private elevator straight down to where his manager Tahee is waiting by the car. Jiyong already informed Tahee about Dara coming with him to the concert venue. As they both got in the car Jiyong held Dara closed. He was explaining to her about executing their plans of exit into and from the concert venue for which Dara agreed in complete understanding. As the car stopped at a private back parking spot that is allotted to them Jiyong gave Dara a hug and a quick passionate kiss. He noticed that he cannot just give her a quick kiss, it always has to be passionate may it be quick or not. He's completely addicted to her lips. Jiyong gave her another passionate kiss before he left to go inside the venue. She heard him say to his manager, "Please take good care of her. I want to see her back in one piece without any scratches anywhere in her body." His manager replied. "Aye yay boss." That made her giggle. They waited for about half hour as Tahee finally let her out of the car after making sure multiple times if it was safe. He made her put on a large hooded jacket before coming out to make sure that not a single hair is out for anyone to see. He guided her to the back entrance of the venue as they were welcomed by other staff members. They walked through the long hallway until they reached an empty room with a big flat screen tv that is on showing the the stage set up and the band members practicing their music piece. The camera then focused on the five familiar faces and one of them is Jiyong. He was giving an instructions to everyone including the dancers and band members. She was fascinatingly staring at her boyfriend's every move as everyone is completely listening to him and following his instructions. She remembered that he is the group leader and it is just so amazing how he shows his authoritative side of him on the stage and a soft and gentle person he is when he's with her. They started practicing one of their song as he started rapping and showing his sexy moves made her blushed. She squealed as she covered her mouth, good thing that she's by herself. She was feeling hot all over as she watched her boyfriend doing some sexy moves and she just cannot get enough of him. She was fanning herself with her hands when she heard a knock on the door. Tahee's voice came from the other side of the door as he opened it. He was carrying a tray of sandwich, chips, chocolates, a bottle of coke and two bottles of water. "Ordered from the boss himself." She said her thanks and bowed down and Tahee did the same. After about an hour of practice everybody started to disappear from the stage as they all went to get ready for the big show. She was looking at the picture of her boyfriend in one of the magazines but to her disappointment it is written in Korean only and she could not read it nor understand it. She was letting out a frustration sigh when Jiyong opened the door and saw her reacting like that. His eyebrows furrowed and worriedly rushed to her.

"Baby what's wrong?"

Dara let out another frustration sigh. "I'm sorry. I-it's just that...forget it's no big deal. Really. Nothing to worry about." Dara said as she pouted her lips.

Jiyong laughed at his girlfriends's cuteness. He kissed her pouted lips before saying. "Well if it's really not that important, why do you have a pouty lips?" He asked her sweetly. Then he looked at the magazine on her lap and he automatically said. "Baby please don't read those a lot of those magazines are pretty much making up a stories just to sell their magazines. That is why we have to build our trust to each other and believe in each other."

She loudly sigh again. "That's just it. It is a good thing that I can't read nor understand what it is saying about you, when all I see is your pictures. But it is somewhat frustrating because sometimes I kind of want to hear other people's opinions of you may it be bad or good. Let me be the judge of it."

Jiyong now finally understands her frustration. He forgot that his girlfriend didn't grew up in Korea which is why she has a different outlook in life. That is why she preferred talking on the phone or face timing because she won't be able to read nor write in Hangul.
He was actually surprised that they are understanding each other as she's also not fluent in speaking Korean though she somehow understands it. He is just now realizing that he has been communicating with her in English-Korean language.

"Baby. I tell you what. I can teach you myself or if you want we can hire a personal tutor to teach you. Just say the word and I'll make it happen."

Dara just chuckled and threw herself at him which surprised him. Not that he's complaining. He lifted her up on his lap as he took her lips again. He was savoring every inch of her cavern to her face, neck and shoulders he stayed at her neck and shoulders for a while. Dara moan in pleasure as she felt a painful but sweet bite on her neck and on her top of her breast just below her dress. Jiyong was so lost in savoring her that he was already pushing her dress lower exposing the top of her breast. He felt his member waking up fast and Dara felt it right between her thighs. She shifted a little just as Jiyong let out a moan pressing her down as he wiggles her buttocks in a circular motion against his member. "Dara." She heard him call her with a hint of hoarseness in his voice. He broke their heated momentum. "Baby, you are driving me crazy with me needing to be inside you right now. Do you know that? I'm trying so hard to suppressed my self control but it's just so hard when it comes to you."

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