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Surprise!!! I was debating if I should continue this story or just end it from the last chapter. Well anyways... here it is a few more chapters hope you guys will continue reading it until the end. Thank you everyone!


Jiyong and Dara finally made it back home to his place after their very meaningful dinner. Now that they are engaged both are still in dazed. They know that they will be departing from each other in about several hours and they don't want to end it just yet. They know that they still have a lot to talk about. Besides Dara's work, Jiyong and the Bigbang boys are scheduled to do a world tour in the next three months. This will test their relationship to the fullest.

As both are lying down in bed. Jiyong pulled his now fiancé closer to him. She's partly lying on top of him with her arm over his waist.

"Babe? Do you think your parents and older siblings will be mad? I mean considering that you're here strictly just for a vacation and now you are going back home engaged with me whom you barely know. Will they like me, you think?"

Jiyong is now nervous about the whole thing. At least on his end, his family are very happy for him. His mom is very excited and cannot hide it. She would call him every day for an update, and he's sure that she won't be able to sleep well tonight until she hears from him. Dara giggled on how Jiyong is reacting.

"Oppa, are you actually nervous now? The G-Dragon. The leader of one of the most popular and successful Kpop boy group. The fashion icon of South Korea. The..."

"Babe, babe. That's just it. The one you are mentioning is G-Dragon but I am Kwon Jiyong. The one who fell in love with you is Kwon Jiyong and the one you fell in love with is also Kwon Jiyong. G-Dragon was never there to begin with, it was I Kwon Jiyong from the very beginning."

Dara lifted herself up using her left elbow as she caressed Jiyong's face and gave him her most loving smile.

"I know. I know that it was you Kwon Jiyong all along. Because I didn't even know who G-Dragon was until after I've met you. But kidding aside Oppa. You don't have to worry about my parents and my older siblings. They are not that narrow minded, in fact they might actually be even happy because they know that I deserve to be happy too. Yes. They might be in shocked at first but I'm sure they will accept you, they will accept us."

Dara stopped for a bit to check on her fiancé. But he has his head down.

"You know what would really make them like you?"

Jiyong looked up at her eager to find out.

"That you will need to actually meet them and asked for my hand in marriage."

Jiyong turned pale. He's sure that his face must've look like one of those ghost's faces in the movies when it's dark.

Dara couldn't refrain from laughing upon seeing Jiyong's white face in the dark which took her quite a while and can't seem to stop. The only way she stopped from laughing was when Jiyong roughly kissed her. The kissed turned from rough to hunger to passion in a short span. Dara felt dizzy and stunned at the same time when Jiyong suddenly stopped kissing her.

"Hah! Who's laughing now?" He chuckled.

Dara needed to blink a couple of times before she recovered from that amazing kiss. Everything is new to her and still learning. Jiyong has been a really good and patient teacher to her.

"Are you okay babe? Jiyong asked her still chuckling upon seeing her reaction.

"Aha!" Nodding that is all Dara can say.

"Babe. You know we will be touring in America as well in a couple of months. That will give us a chance to meet and maybe then meet with your parents and older siblings. I'll make sure of that. I know that there may be times that we won't be able to communicate due to the places that we'll be going and time differences as well. But always know that I will be thinking of you and that I love you and misses you soooo much!"

"Nado. But at the same time please, please do take good care of yourself. Don't get sick and make sure that you get enough rest and eat a lot even if I'm not there. Please promise me Oppa?"

"Promise. But also promised me that you will do the same."

"Promise." They then locked their eyes.

Jiyong lowered his head to hers as he took her lips. The kiss has a lot of promises in it. It was slow but hungry kiss at the same time. Dara gasped and Jiyong deepened the kiss as he switched their position, now he's the one on top of her. The kiss turned to passion and Jiyong is having a hard time controlling himself this time. He is at the peak of his desire for her but at the same time he still wants to make it right for her. She's barely starting her life and he wants her to successfully fulfill her dreams before his own desire. There will be plenty of time for that and he will make sure of it. He slowly ended the kiss and asked her to get some rest now.


Dara's flight is at ten am. Jiyong together with his manager Tahee drove Dara to the airport. As much as he wants to escort her he cannot even do that. But he did asked Tahee to take her while he waits in the car.

"Babe...I love you and I'll miss you so much!"

Jiyong was saying with conviction as they were hugging alone inside his car. His eyes are misty with tears.

Dara is already sobbing as her face is buried on his chest. She cannot even talk without sobbing. Jiyong is just holding her really tight afraid to let her go. But they both know that they don't have much time and that they will need to part away soon.

Tahee knocked on the window signaling them the time.

Dara is still sobbing and don't want to go. Jiyong was also her holding her tight and don't want to let go. But he loosened his hold on her and took her face in his hands as he wiped the tears but it just keeps coming out.

"Babe...stop crying now. As much as I want you to stay with me, I know you can't. But remember we will see each other in a couple of months, so make sure to wait for me. Arasso?"

Dara could only nod her head still sobbing a little.

"C'mon you might missed your flight which I wouldn't mind at all. But I'm sure your parents will be worried."

"I love you so much Jiyong! I-I'm go-going to miss you.

She sadly said as her sobbing is subsiding.

Jiyong forced himself to open the door for her from the inside. Tahee opened it wider.

With one last eye contact, hug and a passionate kiss Jiyong urged Dara to go and the latter did this time. Tahee guided Dara to check in for her flight and waited with her until her flight got called for departure.

Jiyong finally let out a sobbed as he was watching his fiancé walked farther and farther from him. He kept himself glued to the sit because he knows that if he gives in he will run after her and not let her go. He waited with Tahee inside the car as Dara's plane flew away until it disappeared from his sight.

"I love you Dara." He whispered to himself.

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