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It's ninety-eight degrees at six thirty in the evening and the sun is still up in Los Angeles. As the Kwon's car is now on the long driveway entrance leading to the Park's residence they couldn't help but feel in awe of the view that they are seeing along the way. It's completely breathtaking and very peaceful. They finally reached the main house that looks like a small box from the outside. As they were standing at the front of the floor to ceiling wooden door they can't help but to feel nervous...all of them.

The door was opened by Mr. Park and right behind him are Mrs. Park, Dara, Ami and Seth. They were all smiling as they welcome the Kwon's. The greetings were exchanged between the two families as well as the introduction. Seth is the most outspoken person in the family and that is why he is an excellent corporate lawyer.

"Welcome to our humble home. Please make yourselves feel at home." He was trying so hard to say it in Korean and it somehow broke the ice. Everyone laughed at that.

As soon as the Kwon's are inside the house another breathtaking view surprised them as the house is an open floor plan with surrounding floor to ceiling windows. The panoramic city view of Los Angeles can be seen.

"You have a beautiful home Mr. and Mrs. Park." Came from Jiyong as he is now holding Dara's hand.

"Dara was the one who chose this house first." Replied Mrs. Park in Korean as she gave Jiyong a warm smile.

Jiyong now can see where Dara got her angelic smile.

Mr. Park then asked them to feel free to look around.

Ami took the initiative to take Dami's hand and guide her inside as she tries to converse with her in Korean as well.

"I'm ok also in speaking in English though not fluently." Dami shyly said.

Ami smiled at her and said.

"I can understand Korean I just cannot speak it fluently. So I don't mind you talking in Korean if you don't mind me answering in English."

Both of them laughed at how awkward it's going to be but they did understand each other and agreed to the solution they made.

On the other side both parents are also engaged in their own little world as they conversed about stuff.

"How was your flight here yesterday?"
Mr. Park asked.

"Long." Mr. Kwon answered.

"When was the last time you both visit back home?" Mrs. Kwon chimed in.

"Sad to say that we really haven't since we came here almost twenty years ago." Mrs. Park said feeling embarrassed.

"Ommo! That long? Well...I would like to personally invite you and the whole family to come and visit our humble home in Jeju." Mrs. Kwon happily said.

"Jeju? Jinjja?" Mrs. Park exclaimed excitedly. "Yeobo, Mrs. Kwon is inviting us to their home in Jeju."

"Jinjja? I've always wanted to go there. Okay yeobo. I think it is now time for us to visit Korea what do you think?"

Then all of a sudden Seth and Ami chimed in.

"We want to go too."

Everyone laughed and Mr. Park said "Okay, okay we'll all go."

"Me too appa?" Dara asked innocently.

"Of course you too, and you better."
Jiyong said as he winked at his fiancé that earned him a giggle from her.

"Alright why don't we all go to the dining room and have our dinner and we can all discussed and plan out."
Mrs. Park said as she was guiding everybody to the dining room.

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