Sweet Dreams

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Jiyong and Dara left the party before any of their friends. The drive home was silent as the two held hands. They finally reached the parking garage and before Dara can open the door Jiyong was already on her side opening the door for her. Dara gave him her sweetest smile and quickly peck his lips. Jiyong was taken aback but did not seem to mind it as he felt giddy all over. They took the elevator in silent as well but Jiyong pressed the penthouse access to his floor instead of hers. Dara wasn't aware of it until it stopped on his floor.

"Wait, did we passed my floor?" She asked him in confusion.

"A-Ani. Ne."Jiyong shyly gave her a good boy smile.

Dara gave him an "What are you doing kind of look?"

But before anything he pulled her out of the elevator and into his floor. The penthouse does not have a door per say but has a private elevator that leads you directly inside his pad. Jiyong let go of her hand as he asked her if she wants any drinks. Dara suddenly felt nervous and she froze to her spot just outside the elevator.

Jiyong noticed that she's still there and not moving. He went to her right away and took her hand slowly guiding her to have a sit on the bar stool by the kitchen as he got her a glass of water.

Dara was actually now anxious to talk to Jiyong about her plans. She needs to tell him right away because she needs to give them an answer tomorrow. She knows that this may not be the right time but she needs to talk to him about it now.

"J-Ji?" She nervously called him.

"Yes babe?" Jiyong sweetly replied to her and she giggled.

"Ji, I know that this isn't the right time and that you must be already feeling tired but I really need to asked your honest feelings and feedback on this."

"Ani, I'm okay." He noticed that she is very nervous about something. "What is that you want to asked me about?"

She started to say something but she closed her mouth right away. She shook her head and closed her eyes for a moment to get herself together.

She looked up and saw Jiyong waiting for her,  concern showing on his face. She gave him a smile that did not reached her eyes.

"I-it's about my work. I need to give them an answer by tomorrow."

Jiyong was stunned about hearing this from her. He completely forgot that she's only here in Korea for a short while. His heart started to flip uncontrollably. But he knows that he needs to hear her out.

"I've applied to two different hospitals and they both offered me the job. But I can only choose one of the two. One is at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles and the other one is here at Seoul University Hospital. Upon weighing out the two I have finally made my decision but I really need your input because now I have you in my life. It is just not me anymore." She pretty much whispered the last words but he still heard it.

Jiyong was listening to what she just told him. Deep down he knows how hard she worked on fulfilling her dreams. He's been there and done
that. Now it's her time to shine. He will not allow himself to be the hindrance of her dreams. So what ever decision she made, he will support her completely.

He came closer to her and took both of her hands but she held her head down. He let go of her left hand as he lifted her chin up for her to look at him but she only closed her eyes.

"Babe...look at me please?" He said it pleadingly sweet that she opened her eyes to look at him in the eye. He sweetly smiled at her and said. "Babe, before I even came into your life you have already outlined your life. You have made it this far because of your own determination and nobody can stop you for achieving that goal. I know that we're just starting and this is yet another chapter of your life. No one was able to stop you from falling in love with me." Dara lovingly hit him on his arm and he just chuckled at her reaction. "What I am trying to say is that, please don't stop because of me. As long as you are willing to run after something that is going to make you happy at the end with no regrets please do continue running. I will catch up with you as long as you allow me too. I will always be one step right behind you all the way through the finish line. If you fall in the middle of it and got a scratch, I will be there behind you carrying a band-aid with neosporin to soothe the pain." Dara laughed at that comment though her tears are starting to form. But Jiyong with an encouraging smile continued. "If you ever fractured your bone because you missed a step. I will still be there as your other arm so that you can still move around. If you get lost on your way and cannot find your way back. I will still be there searching for you and to keep on reminding you about the starting line. If you want us to run together then we must hold hands until we finish the race without letting go of each other's hand."

Dara's tears continued to fall on her cheeks as she was listening to Jiyong's words of encouragement. He wiped her tears with his thumb and lovingly kissed her forehead. Now she knows why he is called a music genius because of his way of combining reality and dreams together with the out pouring of his heart and soul into it. He has ways with words that not a lot of people can relate. He surely lives up to that title and he is hers. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer as she was still sitting down on the stool. He returned
her hug as he was standing in front of her. They stayed like that for quite a while until he noticed her breathing becoming even. He looked down and saw that she had fallen asleep. He smiled to himself as he carefully lifted her up in his arms and carried her upstairs to his bedroom.

He slowly laid her down on his bed took off her shoes and covered her with his blanket. He then went to his bathroom to wash up and changed to his sweat pants and a plain white shirt which he normally don't wear when he sleeps. He also took another white shirt and walked back inside his room but was frozen on his spot. He stared at his girlfriend's beautiful radiance face that is being shone at by the bright moonlight coming out from his window. He slowly walked closer to her and bent down on his knees next to his bed. He tucked away the hair that slowly covering her face. He felt so much love for her that it is making him cry out of happiness. He stayed like that for a little bit longer as he lingering kissed her forehead. He got up and walked to his side of the bed and laid down next to her. She stirred when she felt the bed sank but Jiyong put his right arm under her head as her pillow then he pulled her closer to him as her back is against his chest. He couldn't sleep right away as he is cherishing this particular moment with her. She turned around facing him and snuggled closer to his chest as she wrapped her right arm around his torso. He couldn't help feeling giddy as he also wrapped his arms around her pulling her even closer to him. This is something that he can get use to; seeing her before he closed his eyes for the night and waking up in the morning when he opened his eyes her beautiful face will be the first thing he'll see to start his day. Now all he needs to do is to make it happen. SOON! With a satisfied smile he slowly fell into a slumber.

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