Meeting the Triplets

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Both of Dara's and Jiyong's family came to visit them and the triplets. There was a lot of "Oohhs and aahhs!"
They were all so excited about hearing them cry and comparing which one of the three cries the loudest. Of course the one and only princess does.

Jiyong himself is at his happiest after being in a spot light for so long. He will never trade his family to popularity. "I can give it all up in a heartbeat." He thought to himself as he watched everyone in the room. Having met Dara was the start of it all. She had made him the happiest man and he will not allow anyone to ruin nor hurt his relationship with her and he meant it with all his heart and being.

Dara suddenly laughed out loud which made Jiyong snapped out of his thoughts. He looked at his wife's happy face and followed what she was laughing at. Ji-yoo the second one vomited on Seth's as he was trying to burp him.

"Haha...good job baba Ji-yoo!" Ami laughingly said.

Dami who was carrying baby Ji-ho was also trying to burp him. But seeing how baby Ji-yoo did to his uncle she suddenly was saying. "Baby Ji-ho be nice to auntie Dami okay? Don't puke on me alright?" Upon hearing this everyone in the room started laughing too.

The princess is being carried by Ami. But she was already done burping her. "This princess is so good huh? She ate and burped with no problem at al huh?" Ami was baby talking to Jin-Ae.

The nurse came in to inform the parents that the boys are scheduled to have their circumcision first thing tomorrow morning.

Jiyong and Dara have already discussed about this prior. Jiyong will be going with them as they were being circumcised. Their family was surprised upon hearing this and were scared for the two little Kwons.

The next day two nurses came back to pick up the boys and Jiyong. Though very nervous for his two little boys he knows that this is better to do now than later. They reached a small surgery room with everything already prepared.

"Mr. Kwon." Dr. Reid started explaining the procedure to him. "Since they are only a day old, we don't require giving them an anesthesia."

Jiyong was dumbfounded. But before he can say anything the doctor continued.

"I understand where you are coming from Mr. Kwon but I can assure you that this is a very quick procedure and they'll be done in no time."

Feeling scared for his sons he can only agree. "What can I do then?" He finally asked.

The doctor smiled at him and said. "As soon as I'm done with one of them, just console them in your arms. They will need your fatherly love." Jiyong once again nodded.

As soon as one of the boys is done Jiyong took him lovingly in his arms and comfort him until he stopped crying. He did the same thing with the other one. His heart is aching for both of them. "Shh!!! It is okay. Daddy's here. Daddy loves you both so much." He whispered to his two boys lovingly.

They all returned back to Dara's room. As soon as Dara saw her husband she got so worried because of the way he looked. The boys are now sleeping after crying for a while. "Babe?" Jiyong went to her right away with tears in his eyes. "What happened babe? Are the boys okay? Are you okay?"

Jiyong finally hugged his wife and said. "I was just too scared for our boys as they were getting circumcised. They were crying so much and I didn't know what to do. If only I can take their pain away I would in a heartbeat."

Dara lovingly smiled at her husband. Being a doctor herself and had performed quite a lot of this procedure before. She understand how her husband is feeling right now. "It's okay babe. They will both thank us when they grow up. You'll see." She winked at him. Jiyong could only nod.

The next day the Kwon family has been discharged from the hospital. When they arrived at their home, both of their families and the gangs are there welcoming them.

The gang were all over the the triplets as they all started baby talking to all three of the the triplets as they were all awake. Each of the gangs took turns to care for each of them. After a few hours the gangs and the triplets are sleeping in the living room. The triplets on their swing while everyone else are all spread out on the floor, couch, chair.

Jiyong and Dara saw this and they became emotional. Jiyong placed his right arm around his wife as she starts tearing up. She then nudge her husband to take a picture of them because this is something that they will cherish for the rest of their lives. Jiyong quickly took out his cell phone and took several pictures of them. Just as Jiyong finished taking pictures their parents came out of the kitchen and also witnessed it. They were also touched by the love and care of their children's friends.

Jiyong then asked his wife and their parents to also get some rest. But Dara didn't want to go without her husband. "Babe, come rest with me?" She sweetly asked.

"It's okay babe I will stay down here just in case any of our munchkins wakes up." Jiyong said as he whispered.

Dara could only nod in understanding and gave her husband a kiss and whispered. "Thank you babe. I love you."

"I love you too. Get some rest okay? Don't worry about anything. I got this." He then winked at his wife lovingly.

After seeing his wife go upstairs and their parents go on to their separate rooms. He then checked on his little munchkins. He first check on his little Ji-ho and saw him steered a bit but went back to sleep again. Jiyong can tell that his first born will be the responsible one who looks exactly like him. That made him smile. Next is his little princess who he can already tell will be the death of him. She's very carefree and as beautiful as her mother. She already has him wrapped around her fingers. Jiyong moved his head from side to side and sighed deeply. Last one he checked on is Ji-yoo his middle child who has a very strong and yet sweet personality. He has the combination looks of both of his parents as well as their personalities. Jiyong could tell that Ji-yoo will be just like him when it comes to music. He cannot wait to see his three children of what they will become of them in the future. He smiled satisfactorily thanking God, his beautiful wife, his family and his friends.




Well guys... I cannot thank you all enough for joining me in this new adventure of fanfic creative writing. I know that you all have waited for so long for me to update and all. I really do appreciate each and everyone of you who continued to wait patiently. I hope you had enjoyed reading my story as much as I have loved to write them. God bless everyone and be safe always.😉

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