Chapter 26: Happy Christmas and Happy Birthday

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~Kaitlynn’s Point pf View~

Even with two pills I couldn’t sleep more than a few hours and even the ones I did sleep weren’t consecutive. At about 4 in the morning I gave up on trying and decided to try to paint for a little. Maybe I could make Niall his Christmas gift rather than buy it. I could paint him something he likes… maybe his guitar or something? I weighed my options until I figured the best option would indeed be his guitar, but for that I would have to either see it in person (which wouldn’t even be an option, since he takes her, yes – her, to Dad’s tomorrow), or find an image online. I opened my laptop quietly and set it on the counter in front of me and next to the painting stand so that I’d have the picture in front of me for reference.

A few hours passed, I don’t know how many, but I was finally finished with the sketch and all I had left was the painting part. I brought the colours and squeezed a bit into the pallet and began my painting. Of course being me I got myself coloured as well as the stand itself and some parts of the counter, chair I was sitting on, my trousers, my huge hoodie, and a little bit of my face. Yep, that’s my talent alright…

After I was finally finished with the last bit of the painting, I checked for the time – 10:25. How isn’t anyone awake? I thought to the sound of… well… nothing. I was proven wrong, however, when a knock on my door was sounded.

“Kathy, you up?” Ash asked with a slight smile.

“Yeah, you can come in.” I said, smiling as well, but immediately regretted beckoning him in, for I looked like shit with all the paint all over and knots in my tied hair.

“Wait, you’re painting?” he asked with yet again a huge grin of the unexplained and unreasonable amazement.

“Em… yeah, but it’s nothing. I mean, I just wanted to do something for Niall.” I mumbled quietly and shyly.

“That looks amazing, Kathy! It’s like an exact copy of his guitar!” he exclaimed as he passed a light finger over the dryer parts of the painting, but still getting it coloured. “You’re just amazing.” He said with a warm smile, looking at me, but I didn’t return the gaze; I dropped my head to stare at my painted fingers as they were fidgeting in the recognition of his undeserved complement.

“Do you think he’ll like it?” I asked sceptically.

“It’s amazing! Plus… it’s from you, so I know he will.” Ash replied with a warm smile. “Oh I wanted to ask you something!” I laughed at his sudden change from warm and friendly to ecstatic and childish.

“Then ask ahead.” I laughed.

“I kinda wanted to go shopping for some Christmas gifts for the boys, you know…” he said a bit awkwardly and scratched the back of his head.

“You want me to come with you to the mall?” I asked with a slight smile. But the mall is filled with people… imagine how many girls will be there buying gifts or just chilling with their mates. I thought in fear of encountering with some strangers. I guess you could say I am not really over my social anxiety.

“We could leave right now and just go straight to the restaurant later.” He said with a childish tone as if to convince me.

“Let me change first and then we’ll go.” I said with a warm smile, to which he beamed happily.

“Yes!” he exclaimed joyfully. “Wait, Kathy, you have a little… uh… here, I’ll do it.” Ash carefully brought his hand to my face, right below my eye, and wiped away some paint that was there.

“Is that it, then?” I asked embarrassingly with my cheeks blazing with heat.

“Damn… uh… you uh… have an eyelash right here.” He pointed awkwardly to some vague part on my face. I tried to feel around and get it so he won’t have to touch my hideous face again, but he only laughed and shook his head. “Here, make a wish.” I stared at the black eyelash on Ashton’s finger, but I didn’t make a wish or blow it away.

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