Chapter 21: Better Now Than Ever and Your Life's Okay

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~Kaitlynn’s Point of View~

“I figured you’d want your own room…” Niall said awkwardly and motioned his arm towards some section of the flat that I’ve never seen. I followed to his direction and into some room with soft green walls. It was kind of like a brighter shade of the green in the Irish flag, which was my favourite colour. I sent Niall a grateful smile and he just nodded proudly. It took me another moment to realise the entire decoration of the room: empty white canvases on the walls, a big Ireland flag above the bed, which had green and orange sheets. There was a canvas holder with some paint bottles, brushes, and a palate for the paint near it on the wooden shelf. Another look around the room assured me that there was a window seat with view to all of London.

“Niall, it’s…” but I couldn’t say anything. I was too shocked. How could I ever thank you enough for this? I don’t deserve this, Niall. I don’t deserve this room or even you. “How’d you know I like green and orange? And what’s with the paint? I mean… do you paint?” I asked awkwardly with such a huge smile that I couldn’t feel my cheeks. When was the last time I ever smiled like that?

“I uh… I don’t paint, no.” He said with an awkward smile and sat on the edge of my bed. I looked around the room once more and counted 12 canvases on the walls and some other plain ones on the floor next to the stand.

“Then why…?” I trailed off with my finger pointing at all the white canvases and painting equipment.

“I remember you painting a few years back. I mean, I don’t remember anything too… uh… I don’t remember you actually painting something finished, but I remember you sketching and colouring some stuff when you were like 7. I just thought you’d want to do it more… professionally.” He said with a shy smile and patted the bed next to him so that I could sit as well. “It’s not much, but I figured it’ll do for you. Is it okay?” I was too stunned to speak or even make out a single sound, so I just hugged him as tightly as I could, sobbing quietly to his neck. I just cried out everything that I had in me until I wasn’t even sure why I was crying.

“Thank you. Thank you so much.” I whispered to his neck. He tried to grab my shoulders and make me look at him, but I didn’t let go.

“Katy, you don’t have to thank me at all. It’s the least I can do for you after all I’ve caused you. Do you… do you even want to stay here with me? I mean, it won’t be much and I can’t promise you a very interesting life or whatever… I mean… I just…”

“Niall, I love it. Thank you. I don’t know how to thank you enough. I uh… Niall?” I asked shyly with a childish tone that I was absolutely ashamed in. Nonetheless, I just had to ask…

“Yeah?” he asked with a small smile and placed his arm over my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

“I don’t want to go back to Dad’s house or Mum’s house or even Ireland. I don’t want to go back. Please don’t send me back. I will do anything!” I begged and sobbed into his chest whilst holding onto his shirt for dear life as if it’s going to slip away from my fingertips.

“Katy, listen to me. I will never make you do anything you don’t want to do. I promise you, I won’t.” He said softly and kissed my temple firmly, lingering his lips on my hair. “A-are you still Gallagher? I mean… is your surname still –“

“Horan. It’s Horan.” I said with a smile. He smiled widely and hugged me tightly.

“Do you want me to look for a different school? I mean… I don’t know what you could do whilst I’m on tour.” He said and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

“N-no. Please don’t send me to another school. I don’t want to study anything. Please?” I begged yet again.

“Okay, but what can we do? You can’t just stay here all day when I’m away.” Niall said thoughtfully.

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