Ziggy played guitar

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Her P.O.V

I was going out with ziggy today and didnt know how to react or what to do first. If I go on a date I wear normal jeans and a tshirt or mabey a turtle neck.

God knows what would happen if I messed this up. Witch I most likely will.

So I decided to make a horrible choose in my part, I called Duke. Yeah DUKE.

As soon as he heard he decided to rushes over with a dress and make up "LETS DO THIS!"

"Stop yelling." I laughs. "You yell more than a drunken sailer."

"And you curse more than one. Now. Moving on, put this on with these shoes." He drops the heavy fabric into her arms. "Ziggy will probably wear red so this will work."

"Are you sure Duke...?" I felt the anticipation to see him building up and felt as nervous as a person could get.

"Yes. Now come on don't have a anxiety attack now. You'll be fine. I talked to Heroes and apparently hes fallen hard and I can tell you have to. So dont be worried because I have friends that on the first date there now wife did stuiped stuff. So if you do something stuiped take it as a good thing!"

"Not helping duke!"

I goes into the tiny bathroom I had in my house and puts on everything and looks at myself.

I wore a lose redish pink colored dress with some red heels. I dont walk out. I stumble and groans.

"YoU lOoK AmAzING!" He makes sure im put together well.

"Hes gonna flip when he sees you."

"Your saying that because your my friend." I rubs my ancles.

"You ok..."

"Duke these shoes hurt! Cant I just wear some converse? I have like every pair of those." I trips over air and hits my head on the wall and falls down onto the carpet and whimpers and rubs my aching head softly "See! I'll take out his damn eye in these devil shoes!"

He trys to hold back a laugh "nope you will wear those." I narrow my eyes at him.


"Oh god hes here." *I grabs my bag and he double checks that im put together correctly AGAIN.

"Ok your good. Go get it. Be home before midnight." He smirks and I slaps his arm "sush."

Then a quiet knock sounded from the door.

Duke pushes me to the door and I opens it to the smiling man in another red multi color suit. "Looks like duke was right about him wearing red."

" 'ello love. Its lovely to see you. You look amazing."

"Ok your fine. Dont give into the accent, remain cool."

"Its great to see you to Ziggy. You look handsome dont you." I grin and he smirks.

Ziggy P.O.V

I take her to my favorite resteraunt and we get seated. "Oh god look at her. I feel like im gonna explode."

"Im gonna be strait up with you love, im weird. I know I am. If you can't take weird a corky then this wont work." I say and look down slightly scared of the answers that may come. Every other relationship besides a couple always ended here.

She smiles "Ziggy, I love weird and corky."

I start grinning like a idiot and she smirks and moves so shes next to me.

"Thats good because you'll be getting a lot of it."

"Well obviously,"

"Can we just skip all this? I know you felt it to. Its stuiped to act like we barely know each other when for some reason I feel as if ive known you my whole life." I blurt out as I rest a hand on her bright red cheek. She hugs me and I wrap my arms around her.

"Im so glad you said that. I know its weird and un believable but I felt so un completely after you hung up that phone." I couldnt help but feel happyness to the point and just start laughing and tearing up and she does the same. We both move our faces so there only a matter of inches apart and talk for at least a hour until our food comes.

We both barely eat and keep talking. I knew i sounded like a man who had just met the love of his life after not seeing her for a couple years but thats how I felt.


We start walking back to her house. Yes I did have a car but i figured it would give us more time together and to me thats all the mattered.

Then she tripped.

She tripped, and fell right into my arms. All I have to do is look into those hazel eyes and I dont know how but quickly my lips are to hers and im kissing her like my life depends on it. I suddenly realized, I dont want her to not be with me. She was the, not a bitch, yoko ono to my john lennon. I didnt want to go home because she suddenly was my home.

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