I'll send a SOS to the world

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Her P.O.V

I get in the car and go as fast as I can without getting pulled over.

"Its a hour away. Im only 5 minutes away."

Thats when, my car broke down.

"No Not now!" I bang my hand on the wheel.

I see ziggy drive past me in his car with a black eye and blood in his shirt. I get out and try to flag him over but he doesnt see me.

Then I end up in my car having a break down. Im stuck here in the cold with a boyfriend who was gonna go home to a empty house.

Ziggy P.O.V

I ended up beating duke up pretty bad. Blood was down my shirt from his nose bleeding down my shirt.

I just want to go home and hold her. Everything hurt and I just wanted to sleep. But then I got home.

She was no where to be seen.  I searched the whole house and she wasnt anywhere.

"She probably went to the store, its fine."

I go to bed but no matter how much my eyes wanted to close I wouldnt let them. Not till she was with me. I wait and wait and wait. The next day after not sleeping I walk back and forth for hours and when she walks up to the house I get a idea and rush to our room.

Her P.O.V

Im tired and just want Ziggy. In both ways.

I run in and to our room "im sorry ziggy my car broke-holy shit."

I walk in to a naked ziggy rubbing his thigh and watching tv.

"Strip, you owe me big time."

(Should I? Should I not? I think I shall. If you you personally know me i wouldnt read this because youll like never look at me the same again sooo😂)



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