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Her P.O.V

I walk into his room to a pale man looking dead. I had to come home early because he said he was very ill. But I didnt expect this. I crawl into the bed and hold him.

"Hi love." He smiles, his british accent now weak along with how his lips and jaw moved slowly.

"Ziggy why didn't you tell me your lungs were this bad!" I start crying and he strokes my cheek.

"Shhh. I didnt want to worry you."

No ones P.O.V

"Worrie me? Worrie me ziggy? I wanted to know that you were dying of lung failer!?" She screams well sobbing. All he can offer as comfort is his arms around her and to start singing a soft tune until she was calm and holding him close to her.

"We had some good times didnt we?" He whispers and she looks up sadly.

"Ziggy please your not gonna di-"

"Us meeting." He sniffles. "She and him made eye contact and both physically stopped and stared at each other. She couldnt move and neither could he."


"Our first date." He blinks and a tear goes down his cheek. "She tripped, and fell right into my arms. All I had to do is look into those hazel eyes and I dont know how but quickly my lips are to hers and im kissing her like my life depends on it. I suddenly realized, I dont want her to not be with me. She was the, not a bitch, yoko ono to my john lennon. I didnt want to go home because she suddenly was my home."

She sniffles and rubs his chest "Ziggy pleas-"

"The first time we went to the mall together." He grins as more tears fall down his pale face."I crawl into a cart and she stares at me "push me?" She laughs and pushes the cart and I point "to the sex toy secti-" she slaps my arm and laughs hard "you are horrible."

We both laugh through tears and she strokes his hair and holds him. He really thought this was it.

"Ziggy im seriou-"

"Me asking you to be the love of my life forever." "So you wanna get married. Oh god im so bad at this." We both laugh and I tear up and hug him."So... Do you want it?" I nods and laugh and put the ring on."

"Do me a favor ok? Strip and lay with me like we always do ok?" She stands up and strips down to nothing and they lay pressing themselves together until it wasnt possible to anymore. This was the same man she talked to for hours at a time. They could hold a conversation forever. And this of all ones would be the last one they had.

"Remember this?" He strokes her cheek and smiled that cheeky crooked smile that always made her happy no matter what. "Her body agenst mine is the most comforting thing ive ever felt. Mostly because I knew I was safe with her next to me. I will grow old with her some day." That wouldnt happen though would it.

"Ziggy!" Shes now sobbing as she knew this was the end of what they thought would be years of love and growing old together.

"Remeber the morning after we had sex for like the second time." He laughs a little and shakes his head. "Morning Zig-zog." She pets my head. "I though my name was dad-" *she covers my mouth. "Dont even start with me." I laugh and lean up and kiss her." We both laugh painfully.

"We had some good times Huh?" She trys to stay strong for him and only nods.

"We had fun didnt we?" She trys not to cry again.

"Yeah we did. We should have been able to have more fun together." She sniffles and looks into those mismatched blue eyes she had seen all so long ago and fell in love with. She wouldnt ever be able to see those eyes again. Or his smile. They both knew it.

All he did was grin as though he didnt feel his heart rate slowing. As if he didnt think he was leaving his wife and child behind. And as though he would see her tommarow and smile his crooked smile and wink with his mismatched eyes and tell her "morning love" like every single day since they met.

"I love you Ziggy."

"I love you so much more you silly girl."


She starred at his lifeless body thinking and praying that he would jump up and say "suprise" and hug her and kiss her.

But that didnt happen. She looked at him. She was starring at the dead body of the man she had to physically stop and stare at because of how much she automatically loved him. The man who was for sure her soul mate. The man that was silly and laughed and told her that she was his "silly girl" every day. The man who she though was so perfect the way he is that when he wanted to straighten his teath she wouldnt let him.

The man she promised her heart and to die with in old age. That would never happen though now would it. They wouldn't be together again. At least not in this life. She sat in shock and went over all the times he sang to her. All the times he was there when no one else was. I was alone now.

Without my weird redhead alien who I could talk to for hours on end about anything and never get tired of him.

I found out a couple years ago that Van Gogh used to eat yellow paint because he though it would bring happiness inside of him. No one could understand but him. We all have our yellow paint. Something that to other people seemed stuiped but to us ment something so deep only we can understand it. Ziggy was my yellow paint. No one understood why I loved a alien that no one else had loved truly. But it was because Ziggy made me so happy it didnt matter what he was. It mattered what we did for each other.

But it looks like the tube of paint was empty.

Some people can give you things but Ziggy gave me memories.

We only had 5 years together.

The end

(So here of course was the inspiration for this book. Witch is obviously 5 years off of "the rise and fall of ziggy stardust"


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