soul love

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Her P.O.V

I wake up to blinding sun and a calm warmth around me. I look up at ziggy sleeping next to me in only some pants and me in a night gown. I smile a little and kay my head on his chest.

We had talked for hours until I fell asleep at around 1 am or 2.

Duke walked in and clearly looks angry and Ziggy wakes up and looks up at him.

"You slept with her!? See I told you he was a whor-"

"I DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO HER DUKE NOW F OFF." duke stands there and crosses his arms then walks out.

I reach for ziggys hand but he moves it "i shouldnt have slept here, im rushing this to much." He starts putting his shirt on and shoes.

"Ziggy dont leave." I grabs his wallet and hide it "there. Now you can't leave."

He grins and laughs and we both break down laughing over nothing.

"Dont worrie I wont leave. I dont think I could bring myself to do it to be honest." He hugs me.

"I just... I cant bring myself to leave your side. I dont know why. But it also feels like were rushing into this and I dont mind but I dont want you to feel uncomfortable, you know what I mean?" I nod and kiss his orb on his forhead. "I should ask why he has that.."

"I understand Ziggy, its fine."

He nods and kisses my head. "Lets do something fun."

"Like what?"

He only smirks.

I stand confused. "Get dressed. I have somewhere we can go to." I go to my room and well becoming suspicious get dressed then go back to where he is.

"I dont think i should be going with a strange alien to a random remote location." I tease.

Ziggy P.O.V

My breath cought in my throat when she said alien and I pause."

"Ziggy I was joking..." I snap out of it and look at her.

"Im sorry I was thinking about some thing." She frowns and I felt guilty. She did look sad slightly by my answer.

"Well lets go then." She gives me her keys and I drive us to a resteraunt and pick something up then keep driving. She owned a red corvet. It was nice looking. It wasnt that good of a ride. This car had to be at least 7 years old. Im surpised its even as held up as it is.

"Where I we going?" She asks and looks up at me.

"You'll see. Also what cds do you have?" I ask simce the radio was shit.

She reaches back and pulls out a card board box filled with organized cds im number order "I have a lot of time on my hands so yeah."

"Do you have anything by me?"

"Well yeah..." She pulls out 2 cds and
I grin cheekily and put one in.

So then we sang/ yelled the whole cd since were weird and perfect for each other.

Finally we got to the place id wanted to take her since the day I saw her. It was a huge house i owned right on a lake surrounded my a huge feild filled with flowers. She runs out of the car and runs around "THIS IS SO COOL!"

I grab the stuff I got and set us up lunch. Well more like late dinner. It was 8 now.

She keeps wandering and I find her starring at the sun set.

"Whatcha doin?" I nudge her and she hugs me.

"This is amazing!"

"I know. Come on lets eat. Your probably starving." I guides her to the food and we sit and eat.

"So much is happening but I dont know. It all feels like its happening for a reason."

I grin "were gonna have some adventures thats for sure."

"What do you mean?"

"Love.. We both know like this is it. Were young. We can do so much together in this time!" I get exited at all the thoughs of our future to come.

She was clearly thinking the same.

"Listen. I know thst you think this might be like on tv where people fall in love and end up hating each other. And I want you to know it will never end up that way, do you hear me? Never. No matter what. People might think you want me for my money and people may think im a serial killer ready to kill you. But its fine."  She lets out a smile sight of relief and a laugh

"Were crazy." She laughs and rubs her head.

"I know!" I lean my head on her shoulder. "Yep this is who im spending my life with."

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