goodbye blue sky

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Ziggy P.O.V

I wake up drenched in sweat with the love of my life next to me. It still killed me to see the bruises. She was to perfect for that. I lay my head on her stomach and look up at her sleeping peacefully.

She deserved so much better. I lean up and kiss her head and she yawns and wakes up.

"Morning love." I peck down her neck gently and she grins.

"Morning Zig-zog." She pets my head.

"I though my name was dad-" *she covers my mouth.

"Dont even start with me." I laugh and lean up and kiss her. We lay kissing and doing other thing *wink wink* all day and suddenly she randomly goes and pukes well we watch movies. Wait what did you think "wink wink" ment?

I rush to the bathroom and hold her hair out of her face and rub her back. When shes done I wipe the puke off her mouth and kiss her forhead.

"Please take a pregnancy test." She nods and I leave her to take it. We've been together for 8 months. We figured if after 6 months, witch is the honey moon period of relationships, were good then we would try for one. Im planning on asking for her to marry me. Were not getting any younger and we both know this isnt some silly "i love you for a year or two" thing. This was a "your my soul mate" thing.

I want to take her around the world. With a kid it would be hard but I dont mind, not when I was with her.

She walks out looking sad.

"Whats wrong?" I frown the eye brows and pull her onto my lap.

"I told you im probably un able to have kids or something." I nuzzle my face into her neck.

She strokes my hair and kisses my head.

"Quess where im taking you on vacation you secial lady?"

"Where my special man?" She grins and so do I.

"To Paris!"

Her mouth hangs open "shut the fuck up. SHUT THE FUCK UP." she flips out and kisses me and hugs me.

"I love you so much Ziggy." She kisses me and hugs me tightly.

"You dont have to do stuff like this Ziggy. I love you even if you dont take me on expensive trips." I nod and pecks her cheek.

"I want you to go everywhere and get everything you want in your life." I stroke her hair.

"I know ziggy, i know."


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