London calling

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Her P.O.V

"Ziggy I have to go back to london for a while."

"But why?!" He practically yells. We havent been apart sinve our first date let alone for a week.

"I have a funeral and the baby is to young to go on a plane and I want you to be with him and not Iggy and Mick. There getting to attached as it is." I laugh, Mick and Iggy have wanted to watch the baby ever since the honey moon.

"Ok fine. But how about 5-"

"I have to leave and be there for a week Ziggy now dont talk me out of it. You'll be ok. I love you and will be home soon ok?"

"Why so sudden though?" He wines.

"I dont know I quess people just die so inconveniently." We both laugh and I grab one of my bags I kept in case of emergency.

"I love you so much Ziggy. Im so sordy I have to leave so soon." I hug him.

"Its ok."

We both felt as though I should stay not just because of the fact we didnt like being together. Because we knew something would happen. It was like the feeling that happened when I first met him but instead a bad feeling that regret was coming.

I just couldnt place why.

We both made out as though this was goodbye and after a while I pull away and kiss his cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you to you silly girl."

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