we can be HEROES

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Ziggy P.O.V

One of my best friends Heroes was coming out and to be honest with my girl here im not looking forward to it. Heroes hits on every girl I date like always.

He on the pourch waiting for me to open the door. I glance at her and open it.

Her grins and walks in.

"Good to aee you zig- oh hello there sexy." He walks over to her and winks.

"Im heroes its lovely to meet you. He grabs her hand and kisses it.

I feel anger build up in me and I try to remain calm. I trust her just fine but the thing was I dont trust him.

"Its nice to meet you to." She smiles awkwardly. I sigh "heroes lets go out to dinner and I'll take you to your apartment."

"Why doesnt this pretty lady joing us?" He suggests with a smirk.

"She doesnt feel well so I think she should rest." She nods and leaves the room and we leave.

Her P.O.V

As soon as he leaves I puke in the bathroom. I was pregnant. We couldnt have a baby now. We aren't even married. And what if we get married only because he found out.

I can't do this. Oh god but we both want this so bad. And I love him and it'll hurt him so bad. I'll tell him tommarow...

He comes home later and we go to bed like every night.


I wake up to ziggy gently shaking me. "Hmm yes?"

"I have something to ask you love."

"Ok what?"

"Get dressed and I'll show you." I look down at him and hes dressed in a suit. A get confused but get dressed and he takes me up the street.

"Ziggy why are we-" I realise this was the spot I saw him for the first time.

He pulls out a ring

"So you wanna get married. Oh god im so bad at this." We both laugh and I tear up and hug him.

"So... Do you want it?" I nods and laugh and put the ring on.

"Hey ziggy?" I rub his chest and lean my head on his.


"Your gonna be a dad."

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