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Song: Art of love- Guy Sebastian and Jordan sparks.


Me and Wyatt sat in Finns hotel room on the couch.

"So, it's true. You two are 'dating'." Finn scoffed as he glared at the both of us. I nodded and could feel how angry he was... why was he so angry? He's doing the same thing. Well I get it, This was my reaction when I heard that Fillie was going to be real.
Mary (Finns mom) and Nick left the room so we could have a chat.

"Fuck. Out of all the guys, they choose Wyatt?" Finn yelled as he walked back and forth around his hotel room with his hands in the air. I turned to face Wyatt.

"Sorry" I mouthed, Wyatt gripped onto my hand some more.

"Bro, you don't even need to hold her hand. She isn't your real girlfriend. There's no press around here." Finn yelled as he walked closer, I stood up and held his chest back.

"Finn calm down. Look, I know it'll be hard getting use to it but you need to calm down- CALM DOWN? I just got told that my girlfriend, MY GIRLFRIEND needs to start dating my best friend." Finn interrupted me.

I frowned my brows and gave Finn a look.

"FINN! YOU'RE DOING THE EXACT SAME THING WITH MILLIE. ITS OUR JOB TO DO THIS.. YOU KNOW I FUCKING LOVE YOU. SUPPORT ME AND WYATT." I yelled back, Finns tears started streaming and he kept inhaling and exhaling. Oh no his anxiety.

I sat him down on the bed, I leaned down and cupped his cheeks.

"You know I love you..." I mumbled, he held onto my hands and nodded slowly. I breathed in and out with him.

"It's hard." He mumbled. I nodded.

"I know. How do you think I feel when I see you and Millie. Please just support me and Wyatt the way I support Fillie. Things are going to change, I'll be with Wyatt quite a lot and you'll be with Millie. So, let's just sort some plans out. For now, you need to calm down. You have a calpurnia show in a couple hours. Get rest." I explained staring at Finn.

Finn gulped and I wiped his tears with my thumbs.

"I'll see you at your show tonight, ok? Just get some rest. I have to go home and sort out my schedule with Wyatt. I love you." I spoke, Finn mouthed a "I love you back."

I said my goodbye and kissed him.

Wyatt POV

It wasn't too dark so we just started walking back to my house.

"Are you ready for tonight? Fans will see us at the show and this is our first public outing as a couple..." I spoke, Y/N smirked at me and nudged my arm.

"I'm ready. Do you think we should match? Or no? Do we want to be 'that' couple?" She asked back, I nodded a no and disagreed to matching.

"We also need to tell our friends that we're dating- I already texted them." I said interrupting her. Y/N giggled and raised her brows.

"Speedy. I see. Hey, we need to make a story..." Y/N mentioned as we walked hand n hand arriving at my neighbor in Beverly Hills.

I was confused and raised my brows.

"Well, soon enough. Like for example when we both go to the comic con you'll get asked on your panel about 'US'. We have to have a story ready on how we met and why, that kind of stuff." She explained, I smacked my lips together and faced her. Her smile made me blush and nervous.

"Well, why don't we say we met through mutual friends... Even though we actually did. And then we just started liking each other, simple as that!" I spoke, Y/N continued walking and agreed.

"Fine, we have a simple story." She mumbled, I chuckled and felt as she dragged me to walk faster.

"We're near your house Wyatt,  I'm tired. I want to sleep before we go anywhere." She groaned.

I then got a text from Finn.

To: Wyatt
From: Finn

Sorry about the lash out earlier, I was angry and you understand right dude? Just take care of my girl when I'm not around.

I understood my best friend. I looked up from my phone and stared at Y/N... just one problem. I was falling for Finn's girl.

-chapter 6

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