Dude wtf?

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The panel finished and we all walked off stage and into the back room.

I felt as Wyatt's grip onto my hand became tighter. Was he angry? What was wrong? Stopping him in his tracks I placed my hands on his chest and told him to tell me what was wrong, he looked down at me. Wyatt's nostrils flared.

"Dude wtf?!" Finn spoke as he walked over and pushed Wyatt off of me. I groaned and stood in between Finn and Wyatt.

"I didn't do shit. You were the one talking about how cool Y/N was? with all the shit you were talking about the fans probably think something weird is up.  You're affecting our job." Wyatt explained as he pushed Finn. Finn stumbled and clenched his jaw.

"You were all over my girl at the booth and I'm sick of seeing you with her, she's MINE- THATS THE POINT FINN, SHES MY FAKE GIRLFRIEND! YOUR FAKE GIRLFRIEND IS MILLIE BUT HER REAL ONE IS JACOB. " Wyatt yelled, I rolled my eyes and pushed them both back. Jack held onto Finn while Jaeden held Wyatt back.

"Both of you shut up. Just let it go. If you don't stop acting like a bunch of babies then you'll both be single." I mumbled, Finn gulped and stared at me. He blinked and licked his lips,

"Okay, I'm sorry. I can't help myself.." Finn whispered, my hand reached out to grab his and I cuddled him.

"Don't get jealous baby. I'm with you." I mumbled into his chest. Finn leaned his chin into my head and wrapped his long arms around me. I felt at home and couldn't be any more happier in his arms. I turned around to see if Wyatt was okay but he had run off... I groaned and faced Sophia, she blinked and gave me a soft smile.

"I'll go talk to him..." she mumbled then walked off to wherever Wyatt ran off to.

I huffed and face palmed myself, jeez.

Wyatt POV

I nodded my head out of frustration and anger. Ah, I gripped onto my hair and just wanted to tell her how I really felt. But how can I with Finn in the way? I regret liking her... maybe I shouldn't have approached her before the TCA's... We wouldn't be in this stupid situation. Fuck.

I was in an empty hall way with no one around. This hotel was huge.

"Wyatt are you okay?" Sophia cooed as she stepped closer. I nodded a no and placed my face in my hands. Sophia came closer and all of a sudden I felt as her lips came connected with mine...

What the hell. I kissed back.

-sorry this was short.
-THOUGHTS? Also, Tea ☕️🐸

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