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Song: No air. It'll give you memories to the first Chapter!!!


I watched as Finn got his hair touched up again, he had to re-straighten it because one side became a little curly again.

"10 minutes and we're leaving, okay guys? We have to be there in 20" Mary spoke as she smiled at us. I exhaled and examined myself in the mirror, my jumpsuit was full on Maroon and I also had cool sleeves.. (picture provided)

"You look so beautiful, I know I've told you plenty of times, but I can't get over how gorgeous you are." Finn mentioned, I smiled at him and turned back to face the mirror.

"I can't believe we're matching." I mumbled and smirked. Finn stood up and was finally done with his hair, he stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

His chin leaning onto my left shoulder. We both smiled just staring into the mirror.

"Ready to do this?" Finn whispered, I nodded and felt as he kissed my neck. I giggled and turned around.

"Come on we better go. Or you'll be late." I mentioned, Finn nodded and pecked my lips lightly.

Wyatt POV

I was on the carpet with the IT cast and was having a good time. I saw Finn and Y/N earlier and they looked good as ever, the crowd and paparazzi were loving the new 'Iconic Couple'.

I was doing an interview with Jaeden and then zoned out a little, I turned my head to my left and saw Y/N and Finn being interviewed. They were holding hands and it made me feel... Like complete shit.

I exhaled and clenched my jaw. I didn't want to be here.


Finn was talking about IT right after talking about how I was his girlfriend and how we were dating for a while. I continued to smile at my cute boyfriend, Finn looked so handsome tonight.

Then a feeling in my gut made me want to turn around. So I did.

I turned my head and looked to my right, I saw Wyatt standing there. He was with Jaeden getting interviewed.

My eyes focused on him and Wyatt turned his head, we made eye contact... His eyes had so much emotion as he stared at me.

I needed to talk to him. He ignored me.

"Talk to me." I mouthed staring at Wyatt. He didn't do anything, he just stood there.

He then looked down and then walked off. He did a runner. He did what I did when I saw Millie and Finn fake kissed.

"I'll be back." I told Finn. Finn understood and I ran after Wyatt.

Somehow he vanished down a street without the paparazzi chasing him.

"Wyatt. Stop running." I yelled, he placed his hands over his face and didn't face me as I caught up to him.

I gulped and examined how he was acting. He was crying.

"Wyatt. Talk to me- I can't talk to you Y/N. Every time I do, you- you just reject me." Wyatt spoke. I blinked and just felt as my eyes were tearing up.

"You ignored me. I wanted to talk about us- Us? Really Y/N? I know you want Finn." Wyatt mumbled and clenched his jaw. His tears streaming.

"Because I do Wyatt. I love Finn- Y/N! Don't tell me you didn't have feelings for me? I could feel it, I could feel it. When we kissed, I know you felt something...Tell me you did." Wyatt spoke interrupting me, I didn't know what to say. Maybe because I did feel something.

But that was the past.

"I came out here to support you. Like how you supported me. And now look at us, freaking fighting over nothing." I spoke, Wyatt walked forward and nodded a no.

"My feelings aren't nothing." He whispered and pushed past me. I brushed my fingers through my hair and knelt down.

I cried and didn't know what to do.

Hidden / / Finn Wolfhard & Wyatt OleffWhere stories live. Discover now