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Wyatt POV

My eyes examined her missed calls and texts.

Why couldn't she just be with me? I hated that she didn't dig more deeply into her feelings.

"Wyatt? Are you even listening to me?" Jack mentioned, I snapped out of my thoughts and faced Grazer.

"No, huh, what?" I replied and clenched my jaw. Jack raised his brows.

"We're seeing Finn tonight for the MTV awards, are you ready for that?" Jack asked, I nodded in agreement. I didn't hate Finn, I just hated that he had the girl I wanted. Badly.


How could he do this? No reply? All he did was leave me on seen.

I groaned and then felt as Finn's hand grabbed my phone, I looked up at him and examined as Finn placed my phone away.

Our hands still in contact, "Don't think about that now. I'm happy to see you so...can we spend some quality time together before I have to get ready for the awards tonight?" Finn whispered, I smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Of course." I whispered and stared at the cute freckled face boy.

I guess you could say we were dating again. Once he came back from his tour with Calpurnia he came to my house and we spent a whole night together just talking about how we felt.

I felt as Finn wrapped his arms around me and I giggled because of how ticklish I was.

"When do we tell the fans we're dating, again?" Finn asked curiously while he raised his brows. I smiled at his cuteness and gulped.

"You want to do it tonight? We can go on live stream after the awards? Maybe also do a QnA so they get to know our relationship a little more?" I replied, Finn agreed and lifted me up a little.

"Hey, did you become stronger or something? You have like no upper body strength and all of a sudden you can lift me?" I asked, Finn rolled his eyes and I just grinned.

"I'm kidding, you're strong in my eyes. Sometimes." I mumbled, Finn kissed my forehead and it was the most adorable thing ever.
I wanted to be in his arms forever.

"I think I have a better idea." Finn whispered, I raised my brows confused.

"Okay wolfhard, what's your idea? Tell me the grand plan." I asked curiously, Finn held me tighter and pulled me closer.

"You appear on the carpet with me. That'll tell everyone we're together. But, You'll look so beautiful that people won't even care about me." Finn joked, I rolled my eyes and went 'awe'.

"You in?" Finn asked me, he smiled so hard that his eyes basically disappeared and his grin became wider,he was frog smiling.

"I'm in." I replied, I felt as Finn leaned in to kiss me.

"We can MATCH." He yelled out of excitement.

What a cutie.

-how ya feeling?

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