Birthday surprise

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"Noah's birthday party is in an hour and you're not ready?" Sadie spoke over the phone. I rolled my eyes and examined myself in the mirror.

"I look terrible Sadie. Like, foreal- Have you talked to Finn recently?" Sadie asked recently. I raised my brows and scoffed.

"No. Why?" I asked curiously and picked up my phone. Sadie waited a few seconds,

"He just posted a selfie with a girl, caption has a heart. A red one too." Sadie replied. My eyes went wide but then again, we weren't together so I can't get angry or jealous.

"He can do whatever. And same goes for Wyatt. I'm so sick of people always tagging me in things when their with 'girls'." I replied. Sadie laughed.

"Yes! Anyway, see you soon. I'm going to wrap up Chloe and Noah's presents." Sadie mentioned before ending the call.

I placed down my phone and exhaled a breath, my outfit was tragic but ehh.

Noah POV

Mom had opened the door and It was the IT Cast. I was glad that they were able to come,

"Happy Birthday dude!" Jaeden spoke, I thanked him and thanked the others for their birthday wishes.

"Finn will be here with Caleb soon." Wyatt mentioned, I bro hugged all the boys and hugged Sophia.
Gaten then walked over and greeted the IT cast. My throat gulped and I realised that Sadie and Y/N weren't here yet.

"Where's Y/N?" Wyatt asked curiously, once the name 'Y/N' was mentioned, it grabbed Finn's attention.

"She should be here soon." I replied and brushed my fingers through my hair. The IT cast than greeted Chloe and we were all chillen in the living room.

"Noah, Chloe, we should blow out candles in 10? Okay!" Mom spoke and smiled. Me and Chlo agreed.

The door bell suddenly went off and I rushed to the door.

"Happy BIRTHDAY NOAH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHLOE!" Sadie and Y/N yelled as they walked in. I smiled and Chloe yelled a thank you.

My eyes examined Y/N and hugged her. Y/N handed me my present.

"Finally you're here. Mom was going to blow out the candles soo- Wouldn't miss it for the world popham." Y/N replied, I rolled my eyes.

Y/N walked with me and realised that Finn and Wyatt were here.

"You okay?" I whispered, she turned to face me. Her smile showed and she shook her head in agreement.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just hungry." She replied. My eyes looked over at Finn and Wyatt, they were both just staring at us.


Noah fetched me a drink which was awfully kind. He pulled me aside from everyone and Into the hallway. I leaned against the wall and sipped from my cup.

"I'm sorry, you must feel weird with having Wyatt and Finn- Don't apologise Noah, their your friends and their mine too. It's not weird. It's expected." I replied cutting him off. Noah looked down and smiled.

I then leaned in to hug him.

"Don't worry about me. It's your birthday, do whatever you want to do." I replied smiling, Noah smirked and then...

Leaned in to kiss me. I was shocked.

Noah then pulled away and stared into my eyes.

"Can I do that?" Noah's asked and then gulped. My fingers then brushed over my lips and I smiled lightly.

I had no words.


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