So Low-key

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Song: Jealous- Kehlani

Wyatt POV

Comic con was over and we were all back in LA. It'd had been 2 weeks since the Comic-Con problem. Me and Y/N were still a 'couple' but we weren't really close friends anymore... Also, I was dating Sophia, Kinda.

The agency had made sure I posted pics with Y/N to keep fans updated and know that me and Y/N were still a thing... Yes I got accused for being a player but, ugh they don't understand.

I was still jealous that Y/N continued to date Finn, I wanted her to like me back.... I'm trying to move on, I have Sophia. Fillie was over so... Finn had been posting so much with Y/N and that also confused the whole fandom.

"Can you remind me what your plans are for today?" Mom asked as she walked into my room and placed my laundry basket down. I shrugged my shoulders and groaned.

"I have a IT chapter 2 interview. I get to see Sophia at least." I mumbled, mom raised her brows.

"She's coming from NY right? Hey, why doesn't Y/N come over anymore?" Mom asked changing the subject, I rolled my eyes and just placed my face in my palms.

"She's busy with her boyfriend... her real one. Also she's in the studio I think, working on a song. " I replied.


I laid in bed just tired. Finn was coming back to LA today, he had to go back home to Canada for a Calpurnia band concert, but I was glad I get to see my baby today.

"What time are you leaving to go with Finn to that Interview?" Dad yelled from downstairs. Slowly I sat up and checked my phone.

"1:45 pm DAD." I yelled back. My eyes scanned over my notifications on my phone.

To: Y/N ❤️
From: Finn ❤️

Just landed. Will be there to pick you up in an hour, I love you.

I smirked at his text and replied with "I love you too."

I then scanned over my manager's text message.

"We're releasing your song today. Promote on your Instagram story ok? Also we'll have a tweet sent out. Your VEVO is ready to post it."

I placed my phone down and forgot I even had a song. This was my first song ever to be released. It was called Jealous. I hope the fans like it. It wasn't written by me, it was written by my management crew...

(Jealous. The song provided uptop ^ is the song Y/N is releasing. Let's pretend she 'aka' 'YOU' sang this song.)

Wyatt POV

On the way to the interview I was in the car with Sophia and Jeremy. We were picked up for the interview.

"I'm glad I'm back." Sophia spoke as she held my hand. I smiled back and Jeremy handed me his phone.

I saw that he was on Y/N's insta. My eyes examined the insta post she posted or her team 'posted'. It was a cover album of her, she looked gorgeous... The title of her first released single was called Jealous.

"Jealous- Y/N Y/L/N ft Lexii Alijai"

I scoffed and checked my phone. I was getting tagged on insta in the comment section of her song release post.

@y/nofficial posted 12 seconds ago

I looked at her recent post on insta and turned my sound up. It was her song.

(Play song again if you have too!!)

"Don't wanna see no tweets about the night we shared. Don't wanna hear reasons for it, baby I don't care You and I both know I'm not just anybody and I regret bringing yo ass to all those afterparties. You enjoyed yourself too much and you ain't barely started, I just can't invest in shit to end up broken-hearted."

I raised my brow just listening to these lyrics.

"So low-k I just stay out the way..."

I rolled my eyes and just saw all the comments, the fans were tagging me. Even Jaeden tagged me.

-salty still.

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