First move

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Song:loyal- Chris Brown

Finn POV

I made my way to Millie's hotel room. Yes, yes she had her own one for herself. I waited at the door and had my hands on my pockets, the door swung open and she greeted me, she also had her phone up to her ear... I was assuming it was Jacob.

"We need to breakup. I don't like having a fake relationship. I want my real one- Same."She replied bluntly, My brows raised and then I stepped back a little.

"So, we're over. Okay great. - We can announce this tonight on Twitter. JACOB, baby we can be together now." Millie spoke interrupting me and then slammed the door in my face as she continued to talk to Jacob. I chuckled to myself.

"Easy." I mumbled then started walking off. I heard the sound of the Elevator doors and heard as footsteps started approaching.

"I hope her and Wyatt break it off. I want to date him so badly. I'm making my way to my hotel room so I could get change and shower... No, He's down stairs, he's talking to Y/N and Jaeden. " A voice cooed. It was Sophia's, she was on the phone with a friend.

I hope she breaks it off with Wyatt too. I want to date 'date' my girlfriend.


Jae stood next to me as I faced Wyatt and had my arms folded. Wyatt stood up and hopped out of the hotel pool.

"We need to talk about our relationship." I spoke just staring at Wyatt.

Wyatt paused for a few seconds then chuckled, he wrapped his towel around his waist.

"Talk about what? Your still my girlfriend aren't ya? We're staying loyal to the agency." Wyatt replied. My lips smacked and I exhaled a breath. This boy was being extra wasn't he?

"Talk about Loyal.... Anyway, the fans are confused. They're confused because you're all over Sophia- I like her. We have a 'thing', Of course I'm going to post things with her. Just like how you post shit with Finn." Wyatt replied cutting me off, I started following him as he began walking off. Jaeden was trailing behind me.

"What's with the attitude Wyatt?" I mumbled and stopped in my tracks. Wyatt stopped as well and turned around slowly.

"I'm just, look, I just want to continue this 'fake' as fuck relationship and have a normal one- Same, but why are you acting like this? What happened to the Wyatt that comforted me and made sure I was okay? The Wyatt that chased me outside, sat with me outside an ice cream shop? and helped me?" I asked cutting him off.

Wyatt clenched his jaw and smiled slightly.

"I realised you didn't need that Wyatt. You have Finn for all your comforting problems." Wyatt replied coldly then walked off.

- Wyatt is a salt shaker
-Fillie is over Whooooo

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