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"Y/N, have you read all the positive comments you've been getting? Your fans are so cute omg. Dude, all of them want you and Finn back together, me and Madd's want you two back together." Lilia spoke as she smiled at me.

I exhaled a breath of air as I laid back onto my bed just tired, I was glad the stream was over, there was so much explaining. The fans knew that Wyatt liked me and that Finn was my ex, I had to explain that me and Finn were in need of space.

The agency had finally accepted me for choosing whoever I wanted to date. Finally.

I just had to deal with Wyatt. I needed to tell him that I was In-love with Finn and that he couldn't just show up and kiss me thinking it's okay.

My crazy ass continued to text Wyatt but he wasn't replying, ugh what a loser.

As the girls decided to do another livestream on instagram I pulled out my book and a pen, I had a few lyrics for a song... I needed a song that was genuinely mine, and about me and Finn.

Finn POV

I made it to ATL and missed LA. I wasn't going to see Y/N for a couple months. I wanted her to be my girlfriend again, but we just needed to be away from each other, which I couldn't handle.

I thought about her during work and photoshoots. I couldn't get her outta my mind. She was always there.

-sorry this was short. I have writers block 😂😭❤️

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