You have to be kidding?

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Finn POV

"He kissed me." Y/N mumbled. I stood there just feeling dead and broken as she explained what Wyatt did.

I flared my nostrils. "You allowed him to kiss you?" I asked whispering. Y/N stepped forward and I stepped back.

"He leaned in and I pushed him away, Finn, please listen to me. I don't want Wyatt, You're my boyfriend- Save it. Look, I know he kissed you... I just need time to think and space. I have to go." I replied cutting her off.

Y/N had tears in her eyes. I did as well.

I grabbed my things and brushed past her. This was a shitty day.
I know it wasn't her fault.1
My bestfriend kissed my girl.


I watched as my boyfriend left. I didn't want to stop him... I understood that he needed space. Maybe I needed space too? Away from the group, away from social media...

Slowly I made my way over to my bed and sat down. My tears streamed freely and I thought about Wyatt and what he told me. I can't believe he wanted me to consider if I really wanted to be with Finn.

Did I?
Of course I did. He meant the world to me
Should I consider what Wyatt asked me?

I sighed and groaned just thinking about what Wyatt did earlier. The boy freaking kissed me.

My phone started ringing and I was expecting Finn.. Nope it was my agency, I had a meeting soon.

Finn POV

I headed back to my house and saw Nick exploring the fridge.

"You're back home early bro? I thought you were staying at Y/N's tonight? And honestly I miss home in Vancouver BC, our house here in LA has like no food. We need to go grocery shopping." Nick explained.

I sighed and sat on the couch. "Me and Y/N are kind of on a break." I mumbled, Nick turned around and stopped raiding the fridge.

He walked over and joined me on the couch.

"Oh little bro what happened?- Wyatt explained his feelings for Y/N and kissed her..." I replied interrupting Nick.

Nick scoffed and faced me. "You know Y/N loves you. You've been with her for so long." Nick mentioned, I agreed and knew that.

"Yeah, I know she loves me. I love her too but, for now, I think we need space." I replied, Nick patted my back and understood my choice.

I rubbed my eyes and felt like crying again. I held my phone up and examined my instagram. The next thing I saw definitely made me cry...

Paparazzi snap-shots of Wyatt kissing Y/N outside.  I threw my phone away and felt my tears escape.

-poor finn😭
-poor Wyatt?

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