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Song: Got you on my mind- NF

Wyatt POV

"You okay?" I heard a voice mumble as we walked towards the main doors that lead into the venue room. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down next to me, I faced Y/N and focused on her.

"I'm okay. Just nervous about fans. They don't like me." She whispered, I gripped onto her hand. We walked into the venue and the fans started screaming and yelling. They fangirled as me and Y/N walked in. Then Fillie walked into the room and followed by the others.

"You'll be okay. I'm right here." I said assuringly.  We reached my booth and Y/N followed me from behind, same with mom.

Y/N gripped onto my hand tighter and turned to face across the room... Where Finn and Millie were, they were both at Finns booth just talking. I examined the huge line of fans Infront of my table. The fans started waving at me and Y/N.

I could feel my jealousy come through as Y/N stared at Finn... I then let go of her hand slowly.

"Who said you could let go?" She asked me, I then remembered that she referenced me. I chuckled and reached out for her hand again.

"We're going to start." Mom whispered.

Finn POV

I started signing some posters and meeting fans, Millie was talking to them as well. I stood up from my table and looked across the room to see Wyatt and Y/N, he had her close to him and was pretty touchy.

My nostrils flared and I sat back down. Millie asked if I was okay and I lied and said 'yeah.'

I low-key kept eyeing her from across the table... wow she's a great actor, she seemed as if they were really dating.

As I glared I watched as Wyatt kept flirting with Y/N and holding her from behind etc. Was he trying to make me jealous and furious? I don't even hold Millie like that, he's taking it way too far. I only hold Millie's hand, and I've kissed her once for the TCA's.

The panel was great. Except when they asked Wyatt all about his relationship with Y/N, I sat there furious and angry. I looked around the venue every now and then so I could distract myself. Then I got questions about Millie and I and to be honest, I could careless.

And then during the panel the damn host decided to bring Y/N out onto the stage, the fans went crazy as they watched Y/N and Wyatt together. I faked a smile and examined as she sat right next to him, fuck.

They were holding hands and smiling, giggling, flirting... ugh.

"Finn, so what was your favourite thing about this summer?" The interviewer/ host asked, I focused back to the host and stopped dazing off. Biting my lip I had a thought in mind.

I held the Mike close to my mouth and stared at the crowd.

"My favourite thing about my summer... was, was probably hanging out with Y/N. She made it 10x better and I would spend all my summers like that if I had too! She's my best friend." I replied explaining. The fans looked confused because me and Y/N never really showed the fans that we were that close or had that type of friendship.

"Also, we went to France over the summer and Y/N learnt to cook, she's great." I mentioned smiling, Wyatt just glared at me and Y/N looked puzzled.

"Yeah, my girlfriend is awesome at cooking." Wyatt mentioned, I eyed him out.

"Oh I know." I mumbled into the Mic. It became silent suddenly, I looked at the crowd. The fans looked lost.

It's not like I was giving away me and Y/N's relationship.

"Let's move on..." Jaeden mumbled into another mic.

-awkward chapter sorry.
-chapter 11

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