Chapter 1- A Really Cute Second Year

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Classes are about to start in UA. Midoriya and Uraraka met each other in the gate and decided to walk together to class. But the walk didn't seem to be a smooth one. Midoriya tripped and almost fell. Uraraka didn't have the time to react when the green haired boy suddenly levitated.

Their eyes went wide in shock as Midoriya slowly went back in standing straight. They were still in a little shock to utter a word, but Uraraka sighed knowing that Midoriya is alright.

"Be careful, boy. That cute face won't look too cute if you have a plan kissing the pavement," they turned to the side to see a girl with her hand slightly up and is glowing feint white, the same as Midoriya's body. She slowly puts her hand down as the light fade out same as Midoriya.

"D-Did you d-do that?" Uraraka asked and the girl nodded. She have a beautiful tan skin and pair of brown eyes and long white hair. She looks a little older than them but wears a UA uniform. She gave her smile and nodded.

"Yes, cutie pie. Be careful now," she said and left. The duo stared at her in silence. She doesn't look familiar.

"Hey, Deku. She seems to have a similar quirk as me," Uraraka pointed out and Midoriya put on his thinking face and they started walking again.

"She didn't touched me, did she?" He asked and the girl nodded in agreement. They set the conversation aside while Midoriya made a mental note to thank her is he ever saw her again.


There was a free period that morning and Kaminari and Miners screamed in excitement for an unknown reason earning the class' attention.

"What is this time?" Kirishima asked, eyeing the two perverted head of the class. Mineta showed them his phone where a photo of a girl with tan skin and white hair is shown.

"There's a new Second Year in their Hero Course!" He announced and Kaminari made a dreamy face.

"And she's an angel!" Kirishima took a look at the photo and saw a tan skinned girl with long white hair tied in a single braid behind her back and have brown eyes.

"Where did you get that photo?" Jero asked, raising an eyebrow. They couldn't have taken this photo while in class, could they?

"The second year senpais sent them. They're really looking after us," Mineta said. The others took a look on the photo and some boys' eyes widened seeing the photo.

"Did they say her name?" Ashido asked and Mineta took a look once more into his phone.

"They said her name is Nekta Ramirez and her quirk is Telekinesis. She got in through recommendation in the middle of the year," Midoriya heard this and it actually caught his attention.

He knows that Telekinesis is the ability to move an object by the power of the mind without even touching the object. And so, it reminded him the girl from earlier who saved him from faceplanting himself on the pavement.

"Really? Let me see that," Uraraka said and took a peek on the screen to see the photo and she smiled before turning towards Midoriya, "Deku! It's the giro from earlier! It seems like she's a senior!"

"What?! You met her already?" Kaminari asked with eyes widening.

"Lucky~" Mineta said and Midoriya gave them a sheepish smile.

"Not really, guys. She's just a nice upperclassman," he said and stopped.

Nekta maybe really strong to get into Hero Course in the middle of the year and via recommendation too. Well, Telekinesis is a really cool and good quirk too.


Lunch came by and the trio--Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka-sat down on a booth together with one free space beside Iida. They were having a chat when someone stopped beside them.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken? The other seats are taken," they all looked up to see the talk of the school. The pretty girl second year, Nekta Ramirez, smiling at them.

"U...y-yeah. Sure. It's fine," Uraraka said and Nekta smiled wider before putting her tray down beside Iida.

"Thanks. I'm Nekta Ramirez, by the way. Second year Hero Course," she said and Uraraka and Iida smiled. Midoriya is a little shy, "You two were the guys earlier, right?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am!" Midoriya tensed up making Nekta chuckle.


"Let me introduce ourselves. I am Tenya Iida. These are my friends and classmates, Ochako Uraraka and Izuku Midoriya. We are all from Class 1-A, senpai," Iida gestured and Nekta nodded and swallowed a potion of her food.

"Nice to meet you. I'm still new here so I don't know much people. I hope we can be friends," she said.

Nekta seems nice to the three young heroes-in-training. She looks like she can't hurt a fly and acts like that really nice typical sister figure.

In Nekta's point of view however, she is celebrating because her plan is totally working. Disguising herself as a student in UA and hiding her red hair and green eyes really did the tricks. The government only knows her villain identity as Syren but not as Nekta Ramirez so it's really easy for her to manipulate things.

"So, since we know each other, may I ask what you do? What are your quirks? You're in Hero Course for something," she said, playing her goody-two-shoes role. Honestly, she hates playing nice, it feels so icky.

The first two told her their quirks and she just plastered a fake interested look while they keep on talking. Honestly, she finds their quirks rather boring.

"No wonder you got into the Hero Course," she said and turned to Midoriya who is still a little bit shy. the guy she has to break? He's way too easy to break. Maybe it'll only take her a week or two to break him...if she use the faster rate. She wants to play with her food first.

"So, Midoriya. What is your quirk?" She asked, obviously startling the green haired teenager. What did she say? Easy to break.

Midoriya stared at Nekta, thinking of a way to avoid the question. He can't say that his quirk is One-for-All. That is a way to break his sworn secrecy with AllMight.

" My---" he was cut off when something or something came shooting towards them yelling Nekta's name.

She turned to the side to see a ball of purple shooting towards her, but someone stepped in front of Nekta and protected her from the ball of purple.

"Watch it, bastard! I'm walking here!" They all looked at the person who caught the sticky ball and disintegrated it with a small explosion.

"K-Kaachan?" Nekta almost laughed at the adorable name stuttered by Midoriya. The guy have an explosion of sandy blonde hair and small red eyes that seems to wear an eternal demonic stare.

"B-Bakugo-kun! I was about to get Ramirez-senpai!" A boy with hair that resembles the ball of purple said, stomping his little feet. Nekta internally glared at the stunted boy and turned to the newcomer guy who clicked his tongue obviously in annoyance and walked away.

He looks to be the guy who doesn't like people very much. She should know.

"Who is that guy?" She asked and Midoriya finally snapped out of his trance, sighing. For one time, he's thankful for Mineta's perverted personality.

"He's our classmate, Bakugo Katsuki," he answered and Nekta nodded. He seems...interesting for some reason. Maybe it'll be fun to play with the side dish too.

Midoriya was eternally grateful because Nekta seem to forgot about her previous question about his quirk. And with that, the bell rung signalling for the second half of the school day.


Question of the Chapter:

Who's your BNHA crush?

Mine are Todoroki or Bakugo. Can't choose.

~RSE out

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