Chapter 49 - Emily Ramirez

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Nekta and Dabi went out in broad daylight in their disguises. They both look like tourist in a trip in Hokkaido for the day so no one really pays attention to them.

After three days, Nekta heard from Dabi that he found someone of the name Emily Ramirez in Hokkaido and this immediately got the girl's attention. She's hopeful that her family must still be alive, with her sister being confirmed to still be out there. Although, this info that Dabi acquired is yet to be confirmed.

The two of them have been investigating and searching for Emily ever since Dabi officially joined the League. No one else knows about this except Shigaraki and Kurogiri. Those time they have to excuse themselves to talk, the conversation is always about Emily. However, Dabi didn't knew about her true identity until the reveal a few days ago.

"So, you made me search the whole country for your mother. Nice going, princess," Dabi smirked under his mask and Nekta rolled her eyes at him.

"And you're dumb enough to do it," she retorted earning an amused chuckle from the male. She looked at him to see him giving her a smug look, "What are you looking at?"

"Oh nothing. Just, when I joined the league, I didn't expect you to be someone who have a good relationship with your family," Dabi bluntly said and Nekta froze at his words. She then regained her composure and cleared her throat before raising an eyebrow at the older villain.

"Well do you have a good relationship with them? Let me guess. No," Nekta countered and she clearly didn't expect Dabi to just coolly look at her and not glare or snap.

"You're right. But I'm not telling you any of that...yet," he smirked and Nekta growled. She facepalmed and thought to herself that she's surrounded by idiots.

"So, how did you find her? Emily, I mean," she finally asked. She's been itching to ask that question since their ride here and she finally managed to do it. Dabi sinks his hands into his coat's pocket and continues to lead Nekta to their destination.

"I already have a lead a few weeks before, but decided to investigate thoroughly. I've learned that this Emily is a widow and has a flower shop business. She arrived here in Hokkaido 9 years ago from your home city. She didn't have any children and lives together with another woman named, Makoto Ishijima. No one really know anything about her before that," he relayed to her and she looks down. The male villain looks at her to see her reaction but only saw her usual vague expression.

Sometimes, it's almost like she's incapable of harboring any other emotions.

"This have to be my mother," she said, loud enough for Dabi to hear. She kept her eyes forward, making sure to keep walking beside Dabi. She always had hope inside of her that her family is still alive despite the incident almost 10 years ago. At least, it'll be in a couple of days.

After that, life literally changed for all of them. Reality has never been chaotic after one impulsive act of a parent who wanted their children saved.


They arrived in front of a house with a couple of plants and flowers situated in the balcony. The house is made of oak wood and stands alone in the middle of a wide field of flowers.

"Are you sure this is it?" Nekta asked, staring at the house and Dabi nodded, "We can't just barge in like usual, can we?"

"Want to try, princess?" He smirked, earning an eye roll from the teenager. They stopped when a woman with blue hair and pointy ears like a dogs in late 20s exited the house. She is holding a water can pours the liquid on the purple carnelians, "That's Makoto Ishijima."

"You didn't told me she has a mutation type of quirk," Nekta glared as Dabi just sheepishly shrugs. Sometimes, she have no trust in her colleagues. Especially this ultra snarky, ultra mysterious Frankenstein man.

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