Chapter 61 - Not meant to be

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Tsuyu was blasted away and Dark Shadow swooped in to catch her. Midoriya yawned and stuck his hands into his pants pocket while watching them with a bored expression. Dark Shadow puts Tsuyu down and went to attack the green haired teen. Midoriya dodges multiple times, ducking and leaning away.

"Really? Where's Tenya and Momo? They're a lot more interesting," he whined tumbling towards Tokoyami and readied his right leg to kick him. The latter clicked his tongue and tried jumping away, but failed. He got blasted away, Tsuyu catching him with her tongue.

"He became stronger [Ribbit]"

"And faster. It'll be hard to face him," he said in a quiet voice. Midoriya walked towards them, sighing. He looked around him and saw the destruction he had created. Broken pavements, trees that fell down and wrecked benches. And he wasn't satisfied.

"If it were me, I would've ditched you guys and go after the stronger ones, but I'm taking orders. Not the resto kinds if you may ask. So here I am, at your service!" He said, mocking a bow.

"Midoriya-kun. What persuades you to continue on this villainy?" Tokoyami asked and Midoriya's expression tightens.

"My name is Akuma," he said, dangerously.

"Well then, Akuma. What's your answer to my question?" Midoriya gave him a blank stare before sitting down on the floor.

"The pleasure."

"What?" Tsuyu asked, utterly confused.

"The pleasure of doing anything I wish to do. As Deku, we always go by the book and tried following rules because it's just. But being a villain gives you freedom to do whatever you want to and there is nothing to hinder you from doing it. I don't care if it kills someone as long as I do what I want," he said and a wicked grin etched itself in his face which gives the two heroes shivers in the spine.

"Heroes are all about showing the world is not that bad and saving every last one of it. To do that, you have to set bounderies. Bounderies that limits everything. I wouldn't want that, do I?" He started laughing and clapping his hands like a child who got his present for Christmas, "Now I ask you, Tokoyami."

He pointed his finger at the said person with a deranged smile, "Why did you want to be a hero? Nobility? Righteousness? Fame? Or something totally different but similar?"

He started laughing again, head snapping backwards. Tokoyami and Tsuyu looked at him in horror and almost fell backwards when they felt their legs giving in. He is entirely a new person. Someone they do not recognize.

"That's a good laugh," he finally stopped and sighed with a smile and eyes closed. It took a fee seconds before his expression completely changed. He gave them a blank look again and took out two daggers from inside his vest, " Now, I'm going to kill you."


"This boy is on fire~!" Todoroki sung loudly with an irritated Spinner behind him. In the reptilian-like man's mind, he likes the kid because he's like the life of the party but he's just of the party to the point it's irritating.

"Vex! Behind you!" He warned and Todoroki looked behind him to see Aoyama about to laser beam him. A wide grin appeared on his lips and made a huge block of ice to act as his shield.

Beads of sweats are already forming on Mineta and Aoyama's forehead and their bodies are showing signs of fatigue. The fight has been going on for a while now and the two villains doesn't show any sigh of wearing off.

"This is bad! Really, really bad!" Mineta whined, running a hand through his grape hair, "Why did we ever think we could take them on? we're screwed!"

"What's wrong, idiots? Done yet?" Todoroki laughed and stomped on the ground, making it into ice. Mineta slipped and Spinner swung his blades. Mineta let out a squeak as the villain swung the blade to him. He braced for the impact but felt none.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes to see someone in front of him. His eyes widened after seeing Aoyama. He took the attack that was for him.


Todoroki pursed his lips together and scratched his lips. He turned to Spinner who draw back his blades.

"Wasn't I suppose to be the one to do that?" He asked and the older villain scowled.

"You should've done it earlier when you have the chance. And you had plenty," he said then started walking towards the two. Mineta went to Aoyama's side and cried.

Todoroki just watch with no interest in his eyes. He felt no sympathy. No remorse. Nothing at all and it ironically feels good. He unfreeze the floor and followed Spinner to join their comrades in battle. As he pass by the two former classmates, he stopped for a while.

"Oh yeah. I was meaning to tell you something before Aoyama die or you get...I don't know. Get yourself killed?" He said, making the purple haired boy sob even more, "To be honest, I never think you two are hero materials."

Mineta snapped his head to the bicolor haired male, glaring.

"I was wondering why the UA staff let you be in the hero course. Hmph, maybe they were short on talents. You're too weak even if you train harder. And you know what? Go transfer yourself somewhere else before you hurt yourself."

Todoroki paused then raised and eyebrow before chuckling, "Oops. You already did. How silly of me."

He looked at them then a wicked smile was plastered on his face. He brushed his shoe on the ground and kicked dirt on them as Mineta look down, crying. The words were stabbed right into his mind and heart. He don't even know if Aoyama heard all that.

"Goodbye, Aoyama, Mineta," with that he walked away. He started skipping a few steps away singing the song he was singing earlier.

Spinner already went ahead so he started thinking of what he will do next. Find Midoriya and fight with him? Maybe a tag battle? Nope. He'll be find by himself. Go with Nekta? No. She's probably with Bakugo and he doesn't like being the third wheel. Toga? Yeah. She's fun.

"Guess I'll be with To--" he felt pain behind him and his body getting thrown away. He felt himself have a rough impact with the ground and tumbled away for a few meters.

He felt few scratches here and there and looked up with a surprised expression. Then he met eye-to-eye with the person he hates the most.

"Shoto," Endeavor said as some of the heroes behind him tend Mineta and Aoyama. Growling, Todoroki stood up. He coughed a few blood and smirked at his old man.

"Nice of you to join the party," he said and spit out the blood on his mouth, "This will be fun."


Question for the Chapter:

Boruto or Naruto?


~RSE out

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