Chapter 63 - Vestige

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"Perfect!" Midoriya tugged Aizawa's bands, making his former mentor to move slightly on his place. He grunted slightly overwhelmed by the young villain's strength. He had really improved in the pass months. So he won't hold back anymore.

"I won't let you go this time, Midoriya!" he declared, pulling back harder and making Midoriya stumbled backwards. He took this chance to wrap him with his bands, earning a glare from the teen. He grunted and tried getting out of his restraints. It was hard to do as he can feel the bands tightening every time he resists, "It's no point, Midoriya. I improved these bands to tighten every time my opponent struggles. If you continue, you'll be having problems on your breathing."

"Well, good job, Aizawa-sensei," he said, sarcasm obvious in his voice, "And excuse me! My name is Akuma and not Midoriya! Why can't anyone get that?"

"Well then, Akuma," he started, walking towards the glaring green haired boy, "All Might must be very disappointed on you."

Clicking his tongue, Midoriya glared harder at him, feeling his bloodlust enraging him. All now focused on Aizawa.

"Do not insert All Might in this!" he hissed and felt something tug from behind his head. His eyes widened and started screaming. The pain is greater than any headaches he had felt before. It's tenfold more painful. His screams are excruciating that even Aizawa flinched. He clicked his tongue and went to check on Midoriya. His screams also caused the two unconscious heroes to wake up and flinched on his blood curling scream.

"A-Aizawa...sensei," Tsuyu muttered, pain overwhelming her body. Despite that, she forced herself to stand. Tokoyami also did the same thing, clutching his abdomen. They stare at Midoriya who is screaming in pain and is utterly confused.

"What...happened, sensei?" Tokoyami asked, wincing. He kept on examining Midoriya, but acknowledged his students.

"I have no idea," He said and came with an immediate conclusion, "Can you move?"

They both nodded and decided that they can set their pain aside.

"Then call All Might and Recovery Girl! Tell them about Midoriya!" he ordered and they both nodded, complying to their teacher. Once they started moving, Aizawa went back on Midoriya's condition. The screaming only worsen every second and he is quite concern that he might damage his voice box after this. So he decided one thing that can save him now.

He hot him on a pressure point and the teen finally stopped. Now, Midoriya is unconscious.


Midoriya was thankful on whatever or whomever made his fall out of consciousness. The pain is too much for even Akuma to handle. Being a masochist, he would've loved the pain, that that thing earlier is far beyond from pain. It's somewhere between pain and death, itself.

At the moment, he is in a dark void. He was floating. No sound, no feelings. His senses are numb and his only companion are his thoughts. He couldn't see anything. Just pitch black. Darker than anything he had seen before. Darker than the back of his mind where he resides whenever Akuma takes over.

He assumes that he is still in control. Although he couldn't feel him. Maybe because he is unconscious and his body is, too. Confusing as it is, that's the only conclusion he could come up with. Until, he felt something move beside him and cursed under his breath.

"Damn that Grease Hair. I'm gonna kill him!" he turned to his side and a form started to appear in his eyes. He then saw a person with similar appearance as him. Only he have dangerous looking eyes, "And what the f*ck was that earlier? I so goddamn want to know! Maybe it was that stupid Izuku! He's such a--"

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